Re: [分享] 千賀滉大的球探報告

看板Baseball標題Re: [分享] 千賀滉大的球探報告作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:5

※ 引述《polanco》之銘言
: 原文:
: Keith Law寫的,只節錄一部分
: Senga, 29, certainly looks the part of a potential No. 2 starter, with a fastb
: l that has hit triple digits and a probable out pitch in his splitter. He hasfo
: ur pitches, with a slider that earns grades from 40 to 55 from scouts and a curv
: eball that at least looks like it could be an average weapon. He was very succes
: sful as a starter in Japan, finishing second in ERA in the Pacific League last y
: ear, behind the best pitcher in Japan in Yoshinobu Yamamoto, while finishing thi
: rd in strikeouts. He walked more batters than the league average for all pitcher
: s, at 8.6 percent, which feeds into scouts’ concerns about his command not bein
: g good enough to work as a starter in MLB even with such premium stuff.
: Other scouts questioned whether his slight build would hold up in an MLB rotat
: n, and whether he had the feel for his pitches or intensity to handle turningov
: er deeper MLB lineups two or three times per start. As you might infer, there’s
: a very wide range of opinions on his likely role in MLB, from mid-rotation star
: ter to someone who has to move to the bullpen and be primarily a two-pitch relie
: ver with his fastball and splitter.
: 輪值2號潛力,四種球路:最快達到三位數字的速球、可能可以當out pitch的指叉球、球

: 們意見分歧(評分從40分到55分)的滑球、看起來至少有平均水準的曲球,在日本有著非
: 成功的先發投手生涯
: 球探疑慮:command能力是否有好到能在大聯盟擔任先發投手、單薄的身材能否承擔輪值的

: 工作量、能否維持住投球的感覺跟強度來應付水準更高的打線二到三次
: 對他未來角色的看法從輪值中段到移去牛棚當主要投兩種球路的後援都有
: 大概是這樣
: 另外Law最後幾段還寫了他對山本由伸的看法,直接比較千賀贏的只有身高,他認為山本有

: 機會當一號先發,而且沒有千賀這些可能會轉牛棚的缺陷
: 他推測如果山本現在就能競標,大概可以拿到6年1.8億左右(可能會被競標費吃掉一點)


球種 被打率 被打数 被安打 被本 被四死 奪三振 空振率 見逃率 使用率直球 .259 212 55 4 28 38 6.71% 15.62% 44.46%切球 .217 83 18 1 10 15 13.92% 17.47% 17.58%指叉 .127 142 18 2 7 89 30.36% 5.36% 22.43%曲球 .571 7 4 0 0 1 2.78% 13.89% 1.6%
滑球 .111 36 4 0 2 10 10.50% 26.05% 10.59%伸卡 .375 8 3 0 0 1 6.90% 10.34% 1.29%快伸 .125 8 1 0 2 2 15.22% 19.57% 2.05%



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s31021312/11 18:24之前好像看到有人說報告是不是把切球當滑球、滑球當曲球

b9920207112/11 18:30目前看起來是球種判斷的關係 因為他滑球慢的那顆就很曲

b9920207112/11 18:30球樣

b9920207112/11 18:30然後把卡特跟快的滑球混在一起

b9920207112/11 18:31美國球探到現在都還這德性難怪越來越少

polanco12/11 18:35樓上講的不知道是不是球探看滑球評分差那麼多的原因

Arodz12/12 00:53他的切球在MLB真的能當武器嗎

b9920207112/12 02:38不知道 這是最大關鍵點