[心得] Snell尋求2年短約?
Boras 484錯估形勢了
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巨人Cobb現在開季搞不好能回來 感覺簽的機會不大
[情報] 洋基開6年150M給Blake Snell來源: 官網記者Mark Feinsand整理的FA市場現況 提到Snell的部分 The Yankees reportedly offered Snell a six-year, $150 million contract, but the reigning NL Cy Young winner turned it down, wanting either a higher average annu68
[分享] Blake Snell尋求9年270M合約根據Bob Nightengale透漏, Blake Snell陣營目標正在尋求一份9年270M的巨大合約 而目前自由市場還是一樣只有洋基合格報價 跟之前傳出Blake Snell陣營希望7年200M落差似乎有點更大 Blake Snell過去有局數跟傷病疑慮連7年200M都有球團慎重考慮,現在9年270M大概幾乎 很難有球團願意滿足他的需求只能等他願意降價45
[情報] 乳摸:Blake Snell可能會去天使?Buster Olney on Blake Snell: “[I’ve] had enough conversation with people in the last 24 hours who know Blak e who believe that in the end— depending on where the money falls— the place w here he might land [is] with the #Angels”43
[情報] 波拉斯:春訓開始後又有四支球隊跟我聯絡Four new teams have reached out to Scott Boras about Blake Snell and Jordan Mont gomery since the start of spring training, Boras says 波拉斯說在春訓開始後有四支新球隊跟他詢問有關Snell跟Montgomery的事 急了……?34
[情報] 洋基與Snell的最新乳摸來源: Feb. 27: Where talks stand between Yanks and Snell (report) Discussions between Snell and the Yankees are ongoing, but MLB Network insider J on Heyman hears that there has been little progress between the two sides. 談判進行中,不過Jon Heyman聽說幾乎毫無進展32
[情報] 洋基仍對Snell有興趣 在等他降價不過是Bob Nightengale的報導 來源: 節錄 The New York Yankees, who offered free-agent starter Blake Snell a five-year, $1 50 million contract before turning to Marcus Stroman last month, still have seri25
[情報] 洋基開5yr/150M給Blake Snell ?Source familiar with the situation just told me the Yankees offer was $30M a yea r, 5 years deal $150M Total money. But Snell rejected because he want more money or one more year. #Yankees #BlakeSnell --17
[討論] 光芒當初賣Snell而被Boras罵是不是很冤?前幾年光芒把當家王牌Snell賣掉時 記得當時Snell的經紀人Boras跳出來痛罵光芒簡樸打球的操作 稱Snell是能幫球隊一直打進季後賽的大物 而球隊不該為了省錢就把大物輕易放掉 可是現在回頭來看 Snell被交易後打的蠻掙扎 21-22年累積ERA+ 87是遠低於平均的成績14
[分享] Jon Heyman預測波拉斯四天王去處今天早上的報導 現在中一個,不曉得是有料還是賽到 1.Blake Snell 預測落點:巨人 其他:洋基、天使13
[情報] Blake Snell收到洋基隊的報價應該是跟之前的150M不一樣的合約? Blake Snell has an offer on the table from the Yankees, per source, though the A ngels and Giants remain possibilities for the reigning NL Cy Young winner. 如題,Snell已經收到洋基隊的報價
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