[閒聊] 希望等等爆氣贏球
2026就看的到全力谷組Redeem team抓台灣
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[分享] 鱒魚:2026年經典賽我會組更好的隊伍On the opposite side of the stadium, Trout spoke to the media, hooked a left and walked down the tunnel, fidgeting with his phone and thinking about 2026. He'll be back in that WBC, he said, and he plans on bringing an even better team with him, one that can beat Japan.爆
[分享] 今日大谷翔平投手大谷 IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA 球數 MAX 6.0 4 2 2 0 10 1 2.76 76-50 97 mph 今天大谷一上場投第二球就被轟陽春砲爆
[情報] 大谷還沒跟天使談延長合約Shohei Ohtani, who remains under team control through 2023, said there hasn't be en any extension talks yet. "I really like the team, I love the fans and the atmosphere as a team. But more than that, I want to win. That's the biggest thing for me. I'll leave it at that ."爆
[情報] Poole:我們有機會在24小時內自我救贖Poole:我們有機會在24小時內自我救贖 Jordan Poole: "Best thing about the league is that we have another game tomorrow . We get a chance to redeem ourselves in less than 24 hours going up against a t eam that's playing really well. So we just have to turn the page, look at what's next and find a way to get a win."98
[情報] Nootbaar會打下一屆WBCLars Nootbaar says he promised Shohei Ohtani personally that he would play for Team Japan in the 2026 #WorldBaseballClassic and will keep his word. Nootbaar跟大谷說了他會參加下一屆經典賽 Nootbaar X 大谷77
[花邊] LBJ和Wade將製作北京奧運的紀錄片LeBron James and Dwyane Wade will executive produce a Netflix documentary on the 2008 Gold Medal USA Basketball team: The Redeem Team The doc will feature “unprecedented Olympic footage and behind-the-scenes mater35
[討論] 九月,大谷可以的表現大谷最後幾場投球神作,真演出二場以上完封,也難進美聯賽揚決選,全票MVP的機率還比 賽揚決戰高。 若大谷投或打OK,MVP必定是他的,沒鱒魚,Upton,與軟豆的天使還能靠大谷神勇,戰績保 持五成上下,MVP以上成績,以下是可能瓜分第一名選票名單。 法官是大谷之外,WAR值最高的,若洋基能搶到龍頭,法官可瓜分大谷最多第一名選票28
[問卦] 大谷翔平8局13K打擊三上壘昨日大谷2轟2高飛犧牲打,猛打8打點,天使11:12輸球。 今日大谷8局被打2安打、投1個四壞、13三振,108球,退場時天使5:0領先,大谷準備幫天 使止敗。 大谷今日打擊,5打數2次四壞1安打2三振,三次上壘 大谷是否爆氣了?幫天使只敗12
[閒聊] 幣安說要送200usdtDear Binancian, We’ve just sent you a Margin 0% Interest Voucher worth 200USDT! Check your Reward Center and redeem your 0% Interest Voucher within 7 days to enjoy an interest-free borrowing privilege in Margin of a particular asset for a 7-day period. For more information please check How to Redeem a Margin 0% Interest Voucher? Binance Team 請問各位有人知道這是什麼意思嗎?4
[分享] Stephen A. Smith :大谷不值500M合約影片 Stephen A. Smith says Shohei Ohtani doesn't deserve a $500 million contract beca use the Angels didn't win or fill seats when he was on the team SAS在First Take上評論大谷不值得五億美金合約
Re: [閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬57
Re: [閒聊] 建中學生爆
[閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬27
[討論] 羅戈24
[閒聊] 怎有人一直罵陳子豪..?22
[閒聊] 李灝宇限動15
[開戰] 要繼續生氣了嗎?13
Re: [閒聊] 怎有人一直罵陳子豪..?12
[閒聊] 你啾26
[閒聊] 台灣是不是每人一雙NIKE DUNK 鞋?12
Re: [閒聊] 建中學生11
[閒聊] 德軟去勇士水土不服11
[閒聊] 味全:年輕有活力 美式球風9
[閒聊] 邦還有機會簽回國父?9
Re: [閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬9
[閒聊] 許銘倢9
[國父] 國父跟富蘭戈16
[閒聊] 洋將條款可以廢了吧7
[討論] 校長威助黃金打線6
[討論] 卓院長在高雄參加啟用典禮3
[討論] 台籃這種球賽內容是把觀眾當智障嗎?5
[閒聊] MLB Taiwan也在GO5
[閒聊] 京都怎麼念5
[暈船] 問四x這哪家記者?X
Re: [閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬8
[分享] 阿娥來惹47
[討論] 子豪:龍最積極,常跟經紀人聯繫36
[閒聊] 緯來明年要製播分離(?3
[閒聊] 五條這也能中槍 戳到笑點XD