[廢文] 肯特有點像勇士王牌Sale
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[情報] 勇士交易得到Chris SaleBREAKING: The Atlanta Braves are acquiring seven-time All-Star Chris Sale in a trade with the Boston Red Sox, sources tell ESPN. Well-regarded infield prospect Vaughn Grissom is the return to Boston, which will send money with Sale, who waived his no-trade clause to join Atlanta45
[情報] Chris Sale被交易去勇士BREAKING: The Atlanta Braves are acquiring seven-time All-Star Chris Sale in a t rade with the Boston Red Sox, sources tell ESPN. Well-regarded infield prospect Vaughn Grissom is the return to Boston, which will send money with Sale, who wai ved his no-trade clause to join Atlanta38
[分享] 今日 Chris Sale 七局九次三振無失分今日 Chris Sale : IP : 7.0 H : 2 R : 0 ER : 030
[情報] 勇士與Chris Sale簽下兩年約勇士隊官方推特宣布的消息 今年16M 明年22M28
[分享] 今日 Chris Sale 七局九次三振無失分今日 Chris Sale : 勇士隊先發投手 IP : 7.0 H : 5 R : 017
[分享] 今日 Blake Snell & Chris Sale 皆問天今日 Blake Snell : 巨人隊先發投手 IP : 6.1 H : 2 R : 09
[情報] Chris Sale再度入選明星賽8-time All-Star Chris Sale earns his first All-Star selection since 2018. Sale第8次入選明星賽,也是自2018年首次1X
Re: [情報] 勇士與Chris Sale簽下兩年約sale腦子不清楚嗎? 原本年薪2750萬美刀 自己和勇士簽約兩年 變成自己今天減薪1千萬 換成明年2200萬保障合約4
[閒聊] Sale勇士還直接續兩年 這麼看好他喔 --- 出大事啦 拍賣哥被交易到勇士啦 The Braves are sending Vaughn Grissom to the Red Sox for Chris Sale and cash considerations, per source. Sale waived his no-trade clause to allow the deal.
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Re: [閒聊] 建中學生27
Re: [閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬27
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[閒聊] 喵新洋投 中文譯名 蒙德茲13
[閒聊] 上一位本土非海龜投手狀元12
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Re: [閒聊] 建中學生26
[閒聊] 台灣是不是每人一雙NIKE DUNK 鞋?11
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[閒聊] 邦還有機會簽回國父?16
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[暈船] 問四x這哪家記者?8
[分享] 阿娥來惹47
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Re: [閒聊] 老胡跟釣蝦哪個比較令你不尊敬3
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