[閒聊] Ed Sheeran前10
Tenerife sea
The A team
Overpass Graffiti
Cross me
Salt water
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Galway girl
沒perfect 嗎
perfect duel (with Beyoncê)
Castle on the hill
[花邊] Pierce:熱火換小李喪失陣容深度不會變強“Miami was a play-in team, you forgot that. If you just add Dame, this team won’t make it out the first round, with [Dame, Jimmy, & Bam] with no depth…If you gut that team by getting Dame, they borderline might not make it to the playoffs or out the first round” - @paulpierce34 熱火去年是附加賽才晉級的,你忘記這點。 如果把小李交易過來, 熱火可能會連第一輪都進不去。51
Re: [情報] Ed Sheeran FB與Ed Sheeran一起推出的全新合作活動! 親愛的訓練家們, 我們在此很興奮地宣布,我們將與葛萊美獎得主、創作歌手Ed Sheeran推出合作活動!此20
[情報] 泰國海軍素可泰號護衛艦進水沉沒Thai Royal Navy Vessel HTMS Sukhothai Sinks The Royal Thai Navy has confirmed that the HTMS Sukhothai, a Ratanakosin-class corvette commissioned in 1987 has sunk, one hour ago. “Today (18 December) from Sukhothai Luang Case, the boat had an incidence of12
[情報] Pokemon GO x Ed Sheeran特別演唱會影片(11/23清晨-11/30) 各位訓練家將能在『Pokémon GO』觀賞Ed Sheeran的特別演唱會影片。 演唱會特別影片將收錄Ed Sheeran最新專輯「=」中的曲目: 「Perfect」7
[問題] F12 截圖請問 Steam 預設 F12 是遊戲中截圖, 是不是有些遊戲沒有對應到? 之前我玩 Sea Salt 想截圖 按了沒反應,想說可能老遊戲支援度不好; 剛剛玩 Vampire Survivors 也沒反應.......我就覺得奇怪了 囧 這是吸血鬼生存者的問題嗎?5
Re: [討論] 阿凡達:水之道 英文台詞請益 (雷)~~~~~~~~~~~ 防雷 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 為了這段台詞二刷Avatar:The Way of Water 其實對於劇情不是很滿意... 有鄉土劇的即視感。 但對愛海之人來說,這段台詞聽完真是滿滿的感動!3
[問卦] Ed Sheeran是歌界最成功的宅男嗎?紅到跑去串場權力的遊戲 雖然有些歌是有爭議的 推出的歌曲還是持續紅遍大街小巷 一開始的the A team1
[CSGO] BLAST Premier Spring Showdown 2023 D2單淘汰 EU 8取1 AM 8取1 EU 22:30 Big 2:1 Rare Atom1
[情報] 07/31 the daily horoscopeWater, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. That phrase could certainly be uttered if stranded in a boat in the ocean with only salt water accessible. But it could also apply to a situation you find yourself in now, dear Gemini - one that seems to be abundant with certain opportunities that you are not ab le to accept. But instead of focusing on not being able to capitalize on those
[分享] 陳子豪未接到國家隊徵招調查23
[討論] 明年10轟打者會有誰16
[閒聊] 臺灣砲手會缺成這樣的原因9
[閒聊] 去健身房說不想練太壯為什麼會被白眼10
[討論] 味全有機會超越LM王朝嗎8
[閒聊] 今年就龍象TS了吧?5
[分享] 被丟包的女山友八卦4
[討論] 富邦感覺跟去年差多少3
[閒聊] 富邦前洋投傑斯確定參加經典賽資格賽9
[閒聊] 課綱又要跟大中國主義開戰了3
[廢文] 不如問LBJ父子誰先沒球打16
Re: [討論] 味全有機會超越LM王朝嗎16
[閒聊] MLB的改革還是沒大谷重要吧2
[討論] 陳子豪是不是往後自由球員的樣板?1
[分享] 中職/從未想過回兄弟執教!洪一中談往2
[閒聊] 大彈力球時代代表作11
[大師] 今年季後賽有機會是龍邦喵三隊打嗎X
[閒聊] 大家可以接受比賽前小酌嗎?16
[閒聊] 右打砲35
[閒聊] 味全70勝超簡單任務6
[分享] 野球革命Podcast TSNA社群編輯專訪1
Re: [閒聊] 陳子豪的合約4
[閒聊] 陳大哥今年上去守備別太差的話4
[討論] 1月11號哪邊會比較多人11
[閒聊] 那會有劉基鴻嗎?32
[閒聊] 今年龍邦TS的機率大概多少2
[閒聊] #公益 #社會責任2
[閒聊] 剛剛看到龍記者會朱育賢