Re: [閒聊] 金河成今年打擊

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HSK power play

Ha-Seong Kim said on the first day of June, after hitting a double and a triplein a victory in Kansas City, that he felt like he would heat up with the summer.


After homering for the second straight game last night, he is batting .276 (8-for-29) with three doubles, a triple and the two homers this month.

目前六月三圍 .276/.364/.655 2HR OPS 1.019

“To be honest, if I’d had a little bit more luck with some of my in-play balls this season, I would say that I am a better hitter,” Kim said last night through interpreter David Lee. “But it’s early in the season. So there’s a lot more games to go. I always have that mentality to improve in any aspect every year. So I think by the end of the season, I can tell you that I’m confident that Iwill be a better hitter than I was last year.”






Kim’s batting average on balls in play is .237 this season, 73 points lower than in 2023. His batting average (.224) is 36 points off last year’s pace.


And despite having added substantial muscle, in part with the aim of increased power, he had not until recently been on pace to even match last year’s home run total of 17.

But he has now homered three times in 35 at-bats and has nine on the season. His 40 percent hard-hit rate over the past 10 games leads the team and is almost double his rate before that.

過去十場的hard-hit rate 達40%


“It’s not like I can hit a home run whenever I want to,” he said. “I need to
get on the barrel to increase the chances of that. I haven’t really been ableto do that since the beginning of the season, but I’m feeling I’m starting toget better, and hopefully this momentum carries on.”





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flame103006/10 00:39去年6月底開始燙 今年很重要是9月不能再像前兩年那麼爛

zxc90638306/10 00:41他今年不用扛多守位不知會不會比較輕鬆

zxc90638306/10 00:41只不過好像沒啥在輪休