Re: [閒聊] 金河成提告英雄隊時期隊友恐嚇
Kim played for the Heroes from 2014 to 2020, when he signed with the Padres on Dec. 31 of that year. He did not fly to the United States to join his new team until spring training, staying in Seoul and initially training with the Heroes atGocheok Sky Dome in western Seoul.
The altercation between Kim and the unnamed player — who has now retired, according to the JoongAng Ilbo — allegedly happened at some point during the two-and-a-bit month window between Kim signing with the Padres and leaving Korea.
Kim reportedly paid an unspecified amount of money to the former teammate afterthe fight in Gangnam District, southern Seoul.
According to some reports, the payment was intended to keep the former teammatequiet and avoid a media frenzy ahead of his move to San Diego.
Seoul-based MHN Sports also reported that the altercation was a minor scuffle with both parties to blame, citing evidence seen by the news website.
根據MHN Sports看到的相關證據
要喝酒以後跟風之孫一起喝就好 = =
金敢自爆不再給錢應該就不是單方面毆打吧 不然等等把自
己搞黑 只能說還是少喝吧 對他形象還是頗傷
只要不是酒駕 怎麼喝又怎樣了....
韓國喝酒就容易出事 一些大咖也是什麼群聚啦就傷了形象
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