[分享] 明天如果打不了

看板BaseballXXXX標題[分享] 明天如果打不了作者
時間推噓11 推:11 噓:0 →:12

In case of rain during the Super Round and/or Finals, it will proceed as

If rain prevents the playing of all the Super Round and/or Final, Oct 8th willbe used to permit the top finishers from each of the first-round groups to
play a game or games to determine the title.

If rain disrupts the Super Round and/or Finals before completion, all effortswill be made to determine a champion by playing only the game(s) which remainto determine the title. If a decision regarding a medal must be made without
playing a game, the tie breaking criteria shall apply. The same procedure
will be followed for subsequent positions if necessary.


The ranking of the teams after the round robin shall be according to the win-loss record of all the games played. This logic continues through the list,
in order,

until the tie is broken:
1)The team that won the game(s) between the teams tied shall be given the
higher position.
2)Team’s Quality Balance (TQB) and game results between teams tied,
3)The team that has the best Earned Runs Team’s Quality Balance (ER-TQB).
4)Highest batting average in games between the teams tied.
5)A coin flips.





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Texminor10/06 23:46天變發動!

wang030110/06 23:47紅中現在飛去淪陷區還來得及

Fitzwilliam10/06 23:47也就是還要再等一天,繼續下雨才會裁定

youngorg10/06 23:47下雨吧 下雨吧

bonbon31510/06 23:47蛤還不能回國喔

jk223310/06 23:4710/8降雨機率好像會下降

fuyu111210/06 23:48多休一天也不錯

A00610lol10/06 23:48看前面成績的話是金牌嗎

BBOYstyle1010/06 23:48當然

caca1314040510/06 23:4910/08的話是中午打?

oscar872118410/06 23:49好欸 多一天 我家古林就多休一天QQQ

YuiiAnitima10/06 23:50如果看戰績的話就是台灣金牌

YuiiAnitima10/06 23:50台灣和韓國都是2W1L,但台灣先前4:0打贏韓國,所以

YuiiAnitima10/06 23:50順位在前

BBOYstyle1010/06 23:50不知道欸 其他的你們翻規章看 我好懶

YuiiAnitima10/06 23:5210/8晚上閉幕式,不可能挑晚上打吧= =

lgng6613310/06 23:56有規章有料

as2183832410/07 00:07原來決賽後面還有一天預備日喔

as2183832410/07 00:07U18是在決賽前預備日就沒了

a2764753510/07 00:08多休一天是一天

boriszhang10/07 00:09祈求天變!

sfw019910/07 00:36多休一天的話古林就更有可能上了

barry84112010/07 02:06發動天變