[分享] Kobe雕像
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老大還在世的時候自己選的姿勢 畢竟是81分下場指天的姿
勢 也有一定的意義
[花邊] Kobe Bryant 雕像今天正式公開“Leave the game better than you found it. And when it comes time for you to leave, leave a legend.” Kobe 雕像在今天正式公開,身著8號球衣爆
[花邊] AD:我不知道Kobe雕像應該採取什麼造型AD:我不知道Kobe雕像應該採取什麼造型,我很好奇 虎撲02月06日訊 今日,湖人124-118客場擊敗黃蜂,迎來三連勝。 賽後,湖人前鋒Antho ny Davis接受了採訪。 當被問到他是否有認為應該鐫刻在雕像中的Kobe Bryant特標誌性造型,Davis說:「他有爆
[討論] Kobe雕像的姿勢?下午的時候ESPN有篇文發出來 討論明天公布的Kobe的姿勢 雖然沒有明說就是這幾個87
[花邊] Kobe雕像被發現拼錯字It seems like Kobe Bryant's statue has misspelled 'Jose Calderon,' 'Von Wafer,' and 'Coach's Decision.' Kobe雕像有拼錯字:Calderon, Von Wafer跟Decision67
[花邊] Kobe與Gigi雕像將於2024年8月8號揭幕BREAKING: Kobe Bryant statue outside LA's Crypto.com Arena will incorporate his daughter Gigi and – in a nod to his jersey numbers, 8 and 24 – will be unveile d by the Lakers on August 8, 2024, per @DailyMail 為致敬Kobe的球衣號碼8跟24,Kobe與女兒Gigi的雕像將於2024年8月8號在Crypto Arena外 揭幕67
[閒聊] ESPN討論Kobe雕像姿勢選項根據ESPN IG發文 提供了幾個Kobe雕像姿勢 由於老大個性好強,爆炸性的運動姿勢適合他 所以個人是比較屬意中間上面那個翻轉灌籃54
[花邊] Kobe Bryant雕像今天完成整修工程The Kobe Bryant statue restoration was finished this morning outside of Crypto.com Arena 湖人隊官方在今天二月份為 Kobe Bryant 雕像揭幕 但在先前卻被人發現有地方拼錯字49
[花邊] O'Neal談論他認為完美的Kobe雕像姿勢來源: O'Neal在Text Message Talk Show 跟Dorrell Wright談論他認為Kobe在湖人主場的雕像姿勢 Wright: 我想問問有關於Staples外的雕像37
Re: [花邊] Kobe Bryant 雕像今天正式公開有關姿勢的部分,科比的老婆有出來說明。 "Kobe picked the pose you're about to see. So if anyone has any issues with it... tough s--t." Vanessa on Kobe's statue 科比選擇了你將要看到的姿勢,所以如果有人對此有任何疑問...吃屎吧。18
Re: [花邊] Kobe與Gigi雕像將於2024年8月8號揭幕後來的說法: The Kobe & Gigi statue unveiling on 8/8/24 report is not true according to multiple people at the Lakers and AEG. Kobe is getting a statue one day. We all know that. There has been talk about
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Re: [討論] 洲際整修有消息了嗎16
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[閒聊] 源田7
Re: [討論] 台灣要改路名的話5
Re: [開戰] 金猿3
Re: [開戰] 金猿8
Re: [閒聊] 高苑跟美和是發生什麼事3
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[閒聊] 喔喔喔喔14
[開戰] 金猿4
Re: [開戰] 金猿1
[閒聊] 時間過好快1
[閒聊] Lux去紅人