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Houston Astros
Step 1.
我如果沒有認錯說話的人應該是Martin Maldonado吧?
Houston Astros
Bigger goals in mind.
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[閒聊] 太空人跟運動家打起來了影片 A fight broke out between the Houston Astros and Oakland Athletics.爆
[討論] 美國Reddit論壇歡慶太空人敗北1. Someday the Astros will win their first ever World Series championship. 總有一天太空人會第一次贏下世界大賽冠軍。 They came very close in 2017. I don’t know what happened then…my memory is really foggy of that time…53
[分享] 美聯冠軍賽 連續六年是:美東 VS 太空人洋基晉級、太空人連六年晉級(創美聯紀錄), 連續6年ALCS都是太空人對決美聯東區: 2017 Astros vs Yankees 2018 Astros vs Red Sox 2019 Astros vs Yankees29
Re: [情報] 躲人想搶Justin Verlander的風聲越來越July 31: Could an Astros reunion be in store for Verlander? The Astros remain in the mix for Verlander, with some believing that Houston is the ace's preferred destination, per a new report from The Athletic's Ken Rosent hal (subscription required). Per Rosenthal, the Astros have shifted their focus towards adding a starter (general manager Dana Brown said on Sunday that the tea26
[情報] 2021世界大賽賠率及數據網站預測先恭喜國聯勇士及美聯太空人晉級最後的世界大賽。國際賭盤(bet365)當然也開出了奪冠的 賠率: 太空人 1.71 勇士 2.20 莊家目前看好太空人勝出。20
[情報] Justin Verlander續留太空人Verlander gets $25M, 1-year deal plus a player option for about the same $. So r eally guarantees about $50M or so.#Astros @MarkBermanFox26 1st 1年2500萬+同樣數字的球員選擇權 ---14
[情報] 太空人隊獲得Kendall GravemanThe Houston Astros and Chicago White Sox are in agreement on a deal that will se nd right-handed reliever Kendall Graveman to the Astros, sources tell ESPN. --- The White Sox are getting catcher Korey Lee from the Astros in the Kendall Grave12
[情報] Justin Verlander 續留太空人隊IT’S OFFICIAL @JustinVerlander is signing with Houston Astros!! MLB source: @JustinVerlander has reached an agreement on a one-year deal with11
[情報] 太空人五人疑似確診進傷兵The Houston Astros have placed five players on the injured list due to health and safety protocols. Yordan Alvarez Alex Bregman1
[情報] Jason Castro to AstrosFree-agent catcher Jason Castro in agreement with Astros on one-year contract, pending physical, sources tell me and @jakemkaplan. Jason Castro’s two-year deal with the Houston Astros guarantees him $7 millio
[閒聊] 剛好趁這次順便下定決心70
[閒聊] 今年FA炒成這樣59
[閒聊] 陳子豪在拖什麼?54
Re: [閒聊] 奶哥以後不再回應任何私訊問答43
[閒聊] 詹根本不想去吧…43
[閒聊] 記者怎麼知道高機率轉隊呢?42
[討論] 子豪人生完結時間41
[閒聊] 陳子豪離開幾乎成定局!39
[閒聊] 折折開示陳子豪會留中信37
[分享] 奶哥X 詹子賢留兄弟36
[閒聊] 7年平均月薪90萬34
Re: [閒聊] 陳子豪離開幾乎成定局!34
[閒聊] 陳子豪守備有很爛嗎33
[討論] 爪迷吱迷邦迷誰比較崩潰31
[閒聊] 奶哥以後不再回應任何私訊問答28
[閒聊] 陳子豪有可能去台鋼嗎92
Re: [閒聊] 詹FA如果留在爪26
[閒聊] 比較想看陳大哥去哪隊?26
[閒聊] 辜董今年什麼都買不到26
[閒聊] 子豪人生25
[討論] 所以陳子豪那天為什麼要等爪23
[開戰] 據傳上週就底定23
[討論] 台鋼算雖敗猶榮嗎?22
[閒聊] 台鋼做錯了什麼? FA 砸錢買不到22
[討論] 85W34
[討論] 目前雙子留一小劉勉強及格22
[閒聊] 爪到底有沒有曾經「跟上」別隊條件過?21
[閒聊] 奶哥到現在都還沒有消息21
[開戰] 台鋼衝R20
[閒聊] 合理範圍