Re: [閒聊] Jon Morosi發了個加拿大國旗的emoji
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: the 暗示?
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[情報] 法官續留洋基 9年360MSources: Aaron Judge is in agreement with the #Yankees. @MLBNetwork @MLB 根據記者Jon Morosi的消息,法官和洋基達成協議了 目前合約情況待補爆
[情報] 天使不急著交易大谷LAA Not Rushing Ohtani Trade the club is "not close to a decision on whether to trade" the Japanese phenom and is "likely to wait until the final 24-48 hours before the Aug. 1 deadline," according to MLB Network's Jon Morosi 根據官網記者最新的消息40
[分享] 天使隊制服組會考慮其他隊對大谷交易的詢問官網記者Jon Morosi剛剛在Threads上發佈的消息 As I reported on @mlb Network this morning, sources tell me the Angels front off ice will consider incoming trade inquiries for Shohei Ohtani. The club is not ru ling out the possibility of a deadline deal, even though the standard to move Oh tani is extraordinarily high. The team’s performance over the upcoming homestan24
[情報] 洋基有可能去競標吉田正尚The #Yankees are one potential suitor for Masataka Yoshida if the Orix Buffaloes decide to post him this offseason, as I mentioned on #MLBNHotStove a moment ago . @MLBNetwork @MLB 大聯盟記者Jon Morosi剛剛在節目上透露17
[情報] 今日水手主場門票完售今日水手門票完售 News: Tonight’s @Mariners game is officially sold out. @MLBNetwork@MLB 跟據記者Jon Morosi的推特 今天水手在主場出戰天使的比賽18
[情報] Adam Wainwright 加入2023 WBC美國隊大聯盟記者 Jon Morosi 在 MLB HotStove 節目中提到 紅雀隊40歲老將 Adam Wainwright 預計加入2023 WBC 美國隊 目前美國隊四大先發還有響尾蛇隊投手 Merrill Kelly 剩下兩個空缺2
[問卦] 驚!iPhone看不到國旗emoji!這幾天發現打開iPhone 突然看不懂台灣國旗的emoji 直接顯示一個叉叉 想說是不是時區跳掉了6
[分享] Wander Franco IG限動No news from either side, but an interesting IG story post by Wander Franco as h e considers #Rays long-term contract offer, given the signing emoji and message that translates to:“Thanks to God for all the blessings and for being so good t o us; for this reason, we love you.”
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Re: [討論] 1/11會有多少人上街10
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[閒聊] 富邦投教