Re: [暈船] 台灣的有錢人是跟世界拼的
剛好看了Trea Turner紀錄短片
It's nice to be nice sometimes.
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[炸裂] Trea Turner 逆轉滿貫砲WBC八強戰 5:7兩分落後的美國隊 8局上半無人出局攻佔滿壘 埋伏在第九棒的費城新游擊手Trea Turner 一棒轟出左外野77
[情報] Trea Turner 與費城簽約Jeff Passan BREAKING: Shortstop Trea Turner and the Philadelphia Phillies are in agreement on a contract, a source tells ESPN. Ken Rosenthal36
[炸裂] Trea Turner在5局下半 道歉野球 我們的TT炸裂啦 一發陽春砲幫助費城要回領先 目前費城2:1勇士31
[情報] 教士給Trea Turner的開價比費城高Padres Made Higher Offer Than Phillies To Trea Turner December 5th, 2022 at 11:19pm CST ‧ By Anthony Franco Matt Gelb of the Athletic reports the Padres made an offer which topped the one Turner accepted from Philadelphia. Specifics of the proposal aren’t clear, but Gelb adds the gap was wide enough San Diego’s offer would’ve translated into m22
[外電] 教士給Trea Turner的開價比費城高Padres Made Higher Offer Than Phillies To Trea Turner December 5th, 2022 at 11:19pm CST ‧ By Anthony Franco Matt Gelb of the Athletic reports the Padres made an offer which topped the one Turner accepted from Philadelphia. Specifics of the proposal aren’t clear, but Gelb adds the gap was wide enough San Diego’s offer would’ve translated into m17
[情報] 被費城球迷全場鼓勵後的Trea TurnerTrea Turner在全場費城球迷鼓勵後 Trea Turner in eight games since the ovation: 13-for-32 (.406), 6 2B, 2 HR, 1.206 OPS 大復活?12
[炸裂] Trea Turner費城VS運動家系列第三戰 一局下半Trea Turner擊出了陽春砲 幫助費城先馳得點 是本季第11發 從IL回歸後依舊保持好手感10
[情報] 乳摸: Trea Turner想去費城?The Philadelphia Phillies fell short in the World Series, but they may have anot her superstar on their roster as they attempt to reach the sport's biggest stage again next season. "There's some interesting rumblings that he wants to be here," Jayson Stark of T6
[情報] 網飛將拍攝Trea Turner紀錄短片(球迷鼓掌Netflix has acquired the rights to a short film about the Phillies fan who helpe d orchestrate a standing ovation for Trea Turner during his hitting slump in 202 3 The Turnaround, produced in association with Major League Baseball and directed4
[炸裂] Trea Turner六局下 兩人出局 一二壘有人 Trea Turner一棒轟出左外野大牆 幫助費城人反超天使6:5 這是費城球迷牡蠣後的第九轟 --
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