[分享] 西門自由了
Ben Simmons is finalizing a contract buyout with the Brooklyn Nets to become a free agent, sources tell me and @WindhorstESPN. Simmons will meet with the Cavaliers and Clippers starting Friday as he decides his next home.
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西門我推LA 要玩可以玩的比較開心
那也是球季後的事情了XD 至少現在底薪買大鎖還不虧(?
[情報] 哈登去76人、西門+小咖哩+抓猛去籃網BREAKING: The Brooklyn Nets and Philadelphia 76ers are finalizing trade sendin g James Harden for Ben Simmons, Seth Curry and draft picks, sources tell @TheA thletic @Stadium. 成交了!爆
[情報] 籃網買斷西門Ben Simmons is finalizing a contract buyout with the Brooklyn Nets to become a free agent, sources tell me and @WindhorstESPN. Simmons will meet with the Ca valiers and Clippers starting Friday as he decides his next home. 將會和騎士和快艇見面談談爆
[外絮] KI講76粉:你們若是針對西門 就是針對我們來源: Bleacher Report 網址: Kyrie Irving on 76ers Fans Booing Ben Simmons: 'If You Come at Ben, You Come at Us' Kyrie Irving講到76人粉絲噓Ben Simmons: 「你們若是針對西門,那你們就是針對我爆
[情報] 西門明天將接受背部手術,康復需3-4個月Nets announce that Ben Simmons will undergo a "microdiscectomy procedure" on T hursday to "alleviate pain caused by the herniated disc" in his back. 西門明天將接受"顯微椎間盤切除術",以減輕因椎間盤突出引起的疼痛。 Steve Nash said repeatedly throughout the last couple of months of the season爆
[情報] Ben Simmons 獲准完整參與季前訓練營消息來源: Brooklyn Nets star Ben Simmons (recovered from a back procedure) will be a go to begin training camp on Oct. 1 with no restrictions, his agent Bernie Lee tells me: “Ben is fully cleared and is a full participant for the start of爆
[情報] Ben Simmons因左膝酸痛將缺席兩場比Ben Simmons is out tonight due to left knee soreness, per Nets Ben Simmons reported knee soreness to the Brooklyn Nets after practice, per Jacq ue Vaughn95
[情報] 對於Ben Simmons的回歸沒有預定時間RealGM @RealGM No Timeline For Ben Simmons To Return85
[情報] 西門尚未參與過團隊練球 重訓來了又走WOJ Instagram 內文如圖片所示 ESPN Sources: All-Star Ben Simmons arrived and departed the 76ers practice fac76
[外絮] 籃網沒有興趣買斷Ben SimmonsAhead of the trade deadline on Feb. 6, executive Sean Marks and the Brooklyn N ets will be busy. After recently trading veteran guard Dennis Schroder to the Golden State Warriors, the Nets continue to be the focus of trade rumors with73
[情報] 籃網預期會買斷Ben SimmonsThe Nets and Ben Simmons are expected to reach a buyout agreement, league source s told @ClutchPoints. 籃網與Ben Simmons預期會達成買斷協議
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