[閒聊] Josh Hart
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[討論] 美國隊最後5分鐘的終極死亡五小美國與加拿大之戰,在98:98,比賽剩下4:49時,Kerr用Hart換下Portis,美國隊的陣容是 : 193公分(6’4)的Josh Hart 193公分(6’4)的Anthony Edwards 196公分(6’5)的Austin Reaves爆
[花邊] Josh Hart 在賽後記者會上吃雞翅"Don't do this again." Josh Hart was eating wings during the press conference and Jalen Brunson was tired of it (via @sny_knicks)90
[花邊] Josh Hart 求婚成功Josh Hart had to keep his composure when proposing. Congratulations @joshhart Josh Hart 求婚成功了,恭喜他! 女方推特:86
[情報] 今日Josh Hart 大三元,中斷連續出賽40Everybody loves Josh Hart: 20 points 19 rebounds 10 assists +3278
[花邊] Josh Hart想與Zion擊掌被無視出處:籃球地帶 Josh Hart想與Zion擊掌被無視 在今天上演的常規賽中,其中一場為鵜鶘主場迎戰雷霆,目前打至第二節的時間。 其中狀元郎Zion Williamson亦有上陣,Josh Hart亦正選上陣。在第一節的時間,在一次 暫停時間中,Zion Williamson與CP3對噴垃圾話後,旁邊的隊友Josh Hart想與Zion擊掌75
[花邊] 尼克八連勝 福星Josh Hart作者: foolishbi (blackink) 看板: NBA 標題: [花邊] 尼克八連勝 福星Hart 時間: Sat Mar 4 12:29:29 2023 消息來源:70
[花邊] Josh Hart跟Brunson推特上打嘴砲來源:Josh Hart推特/Jalen Brunson推特 網址: 先是尼克官推貼了Josh Hart的影片,寫道: "On this night a year ago Josh Hart had 19 rebounds in the Garden. For the other team. 10 weeks later he was a Knick."59
[情報] Josh Hart 在暫停期間 高歌一曲"I would not play basketball if I could sing. If I could sing bro, I'm going on tour!" Josh Hart trying to sing along to Journey's 'Don't Stop Believin Josh Hart 在暫停時間跟著現場球迷一起唱 Journey 的“Don't Stop Believin”25
[花邊] Josh Hart:每次爬樓梯都會喘I can play 35 mins in an NBA game and be good but I’ll always be out of breat h going up steps. Josh Hart: 我可以在一場比賽打上35分鐘然後表現不錯,但我每次爬樓梯時都會喘。8
[花邊] 看熱鬧不嫌事大?Hart發推:什麼時候開始交看熱鬧不嫌事大? Hart發推:什麼時候開始交易啊? 虎撲11月12日訊 今天,鵜鶘後衛Josh Hart更新推特,在線圍觀。