Re: [討論] 可以臨時換先發嗎?
※ 引述《michaelkobe (荒人邪影)》之銘言:
: 如果按照劇本美國小贏台灣直接晉級的話,
: 晚上應該就不用壓玉米了吧?
: 不過規則上有說能不能臨時換先發嗎?
: 還是會有什麼懲罰之類的?
Each team manager or designated team official must, within one (1) hour after the conclusion of the previous day’s game(s), inform the WBSC Team Liaison of the name of the probable starting pitcher for the next game.
If there is a need to change the annou nced starting pitcher, a valid reason must be provided, and WBSC’s approval must be obtained.
每支球隊的總教練或指定的球隊官員應在比賽結束後一小時內,將下一場比賽的預計先發投手通知 WBSC。
若需更改已宣布的先發投手名單,需具備正當理由,並且必須獲得 WBSC 的批准。
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OK的 是正當理由啊
[情報] AE:輸球我負責,我讓球隊和球迷失望了Anthony Edwards: “It’s on me, I’ll take the blame for this loss. I came out with no energy at all. I can’t afford to do that for my team. I let my team down, the fans down.” AE賽後受訪:45
[情報] 印地安人單季3次被無安打史上第一Indians become the first team to be no-hit 3 times in a year as Hader finishes off Burnes’ gem for the 2nd no-hitter in Brewers history. And poor Plesac! 印地安人剛剛達成本季第三場被無安打,成為史上第一隊單季三次被無安打的球隊 Zach Plesac was CLE's SP in both games when they were no-hit this season. He a37
[分享] 沒有投手怎麼辦 教頭:請眾議員來救火XDThe @SiouxCityXs were without a starting pitcher on Saturday night. The solution? Give Iowa State Representative J.D. Scholten a call See the full thread (1/3)35
Re: [討論] 中華隊明天可以假先發吧挖了一下大會技術規章 C6.2 Each team manager or designated team official must, within one (1) hour after the conclusion of the previous day’s game(s), inform the WBSC Team Liaison of the name of the probable starting pitcher for the next game.23
Re: [分享] 大谷翔平 向Maddon表明想在明天投打二刀流推文有些板友建議「可以投完之後再改用DH/換去外野啊」之類的 我們來看官方規則怎麼說的 節錄比較重點的段落 The DH must be selected prior to the game, and that selected hitter must come19
[情報] MLB每場將採強制檢查是否抹油The MLB memo is expected out momentarily to lay out the crackdown on sticky stuf f. Umps will check pitchers coming off the mound/out of the game so not to delay game. It’s really enforcement of an existing rule that calls for 10 game bans tho there’s precedent for slightly fewer.16
Re: [情報] 林昱珉對日本先發翻了一下大會規章 先發投手相關規章在C6.2 C6.2. Each team manager or delegated team official shall inform WBSC Team Liai18
[情報] MLB每場將採強制檢查是否抹油The MLB memo is expected out momentarily to lay out the crackdown on sticky stuf f. Umps will check pitchers coming off the mound/out of the game so not to delay game. It’s really enforcement of an existing rule that calls for 10 game bans tho there’s precedent for slightly fewer.15
Re: [討論] MLB原來有失6分內,不能野手投球規則二刀流球員定義 MLB teams must designate every player on the active roster either as a pitcher o r a position player and are limited to carrying 13 pitchers on the active roster (14 pitchers from Sept. 1 through the end of the regular season). 大聯盟球隊必須指定名單中每一個球員是投手或野手,名單中最多只能帶13名投手。(9/13
Re: [分享] 今日Luis GilLuis Gil has pitched 15.2 scoreless innings, the 2nd-longest streak by a @Yankee s pitcher to start his @MLB career, behind Judd "Slow Joe" Doyle's 18 IP in 1906 . h/t: @EliasSports
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