[分享] 富保羅做事啦
Klutch Sports Group, the agency run by Rich Paul that represents LeBron Jamesand Jalen Hurts, is expanding to MLB after acquiring Rep 1's baseball division, whose roster includes Red Sox star Rafael Devers, All-Star closer Devin
Williams and Platinum Glove winner Andrés Giménez.
富保羅收購了Rep 1 的棒球部門
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LBJ坐不住了 棒球這麼好撈你要先講
※ 編輯: hanksadder ( 臺灣), 12/15/2023 01:13:3487
[外絮] 富保羅:說我只想讓客戶去湖人對我很不敬富保羅:說我只想讓客戶去湖人對我很不尊重 Out of the top 10 clients that Rich Paul and Klutch Sports have in the league, o nly 2 of them are on the Lakers. Lonzo Ball, Zach LaVine, Dejounte Murray, and G ary Trent Jr. are all on different teams, to name a few. And Paul told GQ what h e thinks about the people that say he funnels his clients.67
[情報] LBJ與湖人討論續約Dave McMenamin @mcten LeBron James and his representative Rich Paul of Klutch Sports met with Lakers VP of basketball ops and GM Rob Pelinka on Thursday regarding James’ eligible contract extension. Paul told ESPN the discussion was “productive” and both sides will continue a dialogue. 姆斯跟經紀人富保羅與湖人GM佩林卡 正式見面商討續約事宜42
[情報] Rafael Devers和紅襪簽下11年延長合約Source confirms: Rafael Devers in agreement with Red Sox on 11-year, $331M exten sion that begins in 2024. Deal includes $20M signing bonus. First with agreement was Carlos Baerga. Amount is indeed $331M, not $332M. 11年總值331M(含20M簽約金),2024年開始跑27
[情報] Kevin Gausman to Blue Jays 5yr/110MBREAKING: Right-hander Kevin Gausman and the Toronto Blue Jays are in agreement on a five-year, $110 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN 藍鳥確定以五年1.1億美金搶下Kevin Gausman Gausman的經紀公司為富保羅Rich Paul的Klutch Sports27
[情報] Gary Trent Jr. 加入Klutch SportsOne of the breakout players of The Bubble – Portland Trail Blazers guard Gary Trent Jr., -- has signed with Klutch Sports, CEO Rich Paul tells ESPN. Paul a nd agent Lucas Newton will rep Trent Jr. 今年在拓荒者打出驚人一季的Gary Trent Jr. 和Klutch Sports簽約——這間公司的CEO16
[情報] Mitchell 和 Allonzo 更換經紀人為富保羅Allonzo Trier has also signed with Rich Paul it Klutch Sports Group, sources confirm. First reported by Yahoo. Mitchell Robinson has signed with agent Rich Paul of Klutch Sports Group, per SNY sources.11
[情報] Trae Young考慮加入經紀公司Klutch Sports消息來源: Report: Hawks' Trae Young Leaving Agency; Rich Paul's Klutch Sports a Top Option 由於Trae Young的經紀人Omar Wilkes轉往Klutch Sports任職,負責處理籃球相關的事務 至於Rich Paul則是專注在CEO的職務上,持續把業務擴展至美式足球跟棒球10
[分享] 富保羅Rich Paul旗下棒球選手富保羅在隔壁棚應該沒人不認識吧xd 然後剛剛發現MLB trade rumors有一個經紀人資料庫 能查詢每個經紀公司旗下球員 然後我就把富保羅的Klutch Sports丟去查 就查到他目前旗下有四位棒球選手11
[閒聊] 富保羅Rich Paul旗下MLB球員富保羅在隔壁棚應該沒人不認識吧xd 然後剛剛發現MLB trade rumors有一個經紀人資料庫 能查詢每個經紀公司旗下球員 然後我就把富保羅的Klutch Sports丟去查 就查到他目前旗下有四位棒球選手
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