[閒聊] Marcelo Mayer單換大谷

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FeverPitch07/21 13:15換到大谷也難奪冠 不需要

jeff101307/21 13:16傻了才換==

jeff101307/21 13:18真這樣換 今年紅襪的狀況也不見得能有季後賽 然後大谷感

jeff101307/21 13:18覺就不太可能跟紅襪續

MarceloMayer07/21 13:23賣鬧= =

我流隨便翻 紅襪記者的想法 Since hiring chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom, the Red Sox have put an emphasi s on improving their farm system. They now have five prospects on MLB Pipeline’ s Top 100 list, including Mayer, Ceddanne Rafaela (No. 81), Nick Yorke (No. 84), Miguel Bleis (No. 85) and Roman Anthony (No. 97). Bloom上任以後紅襪農場大躍進 If Boston wants to hold the line on Mayer, it’ll have to dip deeply into that n ewly improved system, something the Red Sox are likely to be unwilling to do for only a few months of Ohtani. The alternative, however, might be even harder to swallow -- giving up high performers at the MLB level. 如果紅襪想留住Mayer勢必要更破壞農場,這是紅襪更不願意為了幾個月的大谷付出的代價 ,另外一個更難吞的方案是送出大聯盟層級的優質球員 Right-hander Brayan Bello has emerged as the certified ace of an injury-ridden r otation. Down Chris Sale, Tanner Houck and Corey Kluber, the rotation has relied on Bello, who fans have rallied behind as the first homegrown pitcher they’ve had to be excited about in some time. 寫Brayan Bello有多好 Outfielder Jarren Duran has had a massive turnaround from a rough start to his M ajor League tenure, becoming one of Boston’s best hitters and most reliable def enders in the outfield. 寫Jarren Duran有多棒 So, would Boston instead throw out an aggressive one-for-one deal for Ohtani? If they dangled Mayer, would that be enough to entice the Angels? It might be thei r best option to avoid raiding the Major League team or crushing their farm syst em. 所以送Mayer可能是他們避免破壞農場或大聯盟陣容最好的方案 大概是這樣

jeff101307/21 13:26本人都出來了XDD

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/21/2023 13:30:16

Nick887707/21 13:31本人推

vince468707/21 14:15不會XDDDDD 如果紅襪現在在美東第一再討論

vince468707/21 14:17主要是紅襪都把前面的神主牌清掉了 Mayer實在是沒有放

vince468707/21 14:17掉的道理 而且紅襪目前還是一個漏洞百出的球隊 季末要

vince468707/21 14:17是砸錢拼大谷沒意見 但是動到新秀的動機只有當下是衝冠

vince468707/21 14:17水準再強化陣容