[閒聊] Willy Adames見到偶像Derek Jeter
Willy Adames did not let the moment pass to meet his idol, Derek Jeter!
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[花邊] A-rod和Derek Jeter今天到現場觀戰Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter are in the house, giving TNT the perfect transiti on. 今天A-rod和Derek Jeter今天有到現場觀戰18
[情報] Willy Adames被交易去酒鬼來源: 更新: 稍早光芒將游擊手Willy Adames交易到酒鬼 應該是為了拉上大物Wander Franco清出的位置 今年Adames的成績不佳12
[情報] Willy Adames 今天在休息室被界外球擊中頭Willy Adames "was alert and responsive the whole time" and has "no fractures" after being struck by a foul ball tonight, per @AdamMcCalvy He'll "remain hospitalized overnight" and be put on the IL tomorrow 釀酒人隊 Willy Adames9
[炸裂] Willy Adames紅人的Greene完全被炸爛 第2局Adames把87mph的滑球扛出左外野大牆,本季第七轟出爐 是一發兩分砲,幫助球隊以6:3領先 珍愛FB,遠離紅人 --8
[情報] MLB The Show 22 豪華版封面人物:JeterMLB The Show 22 豪華版封面人物: Derek Jeter Nintendo leaked the MLB The Show 22 Deluxe Edition and Derek Jeter is on the cov er It will officially be announced on 2/2/225
[情報] Willy Adames to BrewersThe Rays have traded Willy Adames to the Brewers, per source. Right-hander Trevor Richards is going along with shortstop Willy Adames to the Brewers in exchange for relievers Drew Rasmussen and J.P. Feyereisen, sources tell ESPN. That's the full trade.4
[炸裂] Willy AdamesWilly Adames炸裂陽春炮 賽季第三轟 苦主天使先發投手Jose Quintana 目前光芒5:0領先天使 --1
[炸裂] Willy Adames滿貫砲Willy Adames棒打馬林魚牛棚投手Dugger Alcantara的控球明顯走鐘,保送筒香後馬林魚換投 然而Adames一次把全部打者送回來 這是一支滿貫砲 光芒9:1領先 --1
[炸裂] Willy Adames酒鬼游擊手Adames又開轟啦 擊出一發三分砲 也是本場第二轟 目前3安打,7分打點 酒鬼10:4領先海盜1
[炸裂] Willy Adames釀酒人對遊騎兵六局上半,Adames打出中右外野全壘打,本季第19轟,苦主是Dane Dunni ng,當時用球數第99球。 擊球初速103.9 mph 距離399 ft --
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