[分享] 大場面
Benches have cleared in the Mets-Brewers game after Jeff McNeil took exceptionto Rhys Hoskins' slide into second base
在不是close play的狀況下大力往McNeil鏟下去
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 千賀滉大用主場大螢幕玩瑪利歐賽車8Before today's game at Citi Field, Kodai Senga (with his Mario hat!) and Jeff Mc Neil played Super Mario 8 Deluxe on the Citi Field scoreboard 千賀滉大和隊友Jeff McNeil ,最近用梅子主場的超大外野螢幕 玩瑪利歐賽車8 豪華版46
[分享] McNeil 因為 Alonso 慢回壘被罰一好球今天大都會和馬林魚比賽中 裁判覺得一壘的 Pete Alonso 拖太久回壘 因此用 clock violation 直接給 Jeff McNeil 一好球34
[分享] 紅色的粥-波士頓口味晚場大都會vs紅襪 四局上半大都會進攻2出局二三壘有人 Jeff McNeil擊出中右外野安打 壘上2人都回來得分 紅襪捕手Jorge Alfaro看到McNeil要衝二壘趕緊丟過去21
[情報] Jeff McNeil 與大都會隊續約 4yr/50MBREAKING: National League batting champion Jeff McNeil and the New York Mets are in agreement on a four-year, $50 million contract extension, pending physical, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. It includes a fifth-year club option that could take value to $63.75 million15
[炸裂] Jeff McNeil B2B2B 開局連三轟國東還剩一絲絲希望的大都會 雙重戰第二場對上國民 開賽首三名打者連續開轟 先是第一棒Nimmo,再來第二棒Lindor,然後第三棒McNeil 三名打者打完,大都會3:0領先16
[情報] 林董守承諾的送Jeff McNeil一台車Francisco Lindor has bought Jeff McNeil his car for winning the 2022 batting tit le - a Ford Bronco 林董之前曾承諾隊友Jeff McNeil 如果他拿打擊王就要送他一台車15
[閒聊] Jacob deGrom三球三振Lindor地瓜投live BP. Jacob deGrom strikes out Francisco Lindor on three pitches. 三球三振林董 被三振後林董還叫了一聲6
[分享] Jeff McNeil 將加入WBC美國隊NEWS: According to @BNightengale, Jeff McNeil is expected to replace Trevor Story on Team USA in the 2023 World Baseball Classic. #LGM 隨著 Trevor Story 因為開刀將會缺席數個月時間 大都會隊主力二壘手 Jeff McNeil 預計將會取代故事哥的位置5
[炸裂] Jeff McNeilMcNeil我的英雄 整個大都會裡面唯一正常人 拜託投手穩一點 今天一定要贏阿 --- BREAKING: National League batting champion Jeff McNeil and the New York Mets are in agreement on a four-year, $50 million contract extension, pending physical, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. It includes a fifth-year club option t hat could take value to $63.75 million
[討論] 結婚強迫離職啦啦隊40
[閒聊] 大巨蛋各隊場次(爪13,龍11,喵6,吱邦鷹3)34
[閒聊] 樂天女孩RKG介紹頁有36位36
[猜猜] 爪巨蛋出賽場次35
[開戰] 幹,北市府到底有沒有腦23
[分享] 戴培峰生日快樂21
[閒聊] 大巨蛋解法19
[討論] 洲際的票房33
[閒聊] RKG異動名單14
[閒聊] 難怪泰安沒出來講話13
[閒聊] yuri跟菲菲去味全當陪襯嗎?33
[分享] 樂天女孩場薪低於其他啦啦隊11
[閒聊] 有合約的洋投為何還一直投?11
[閒聊] 史丹利會介紹喵喵的新洋投嗎?10
[閒聊] 其實洲際的交通問題10
[暈船] 太妍9
Re: [閒聊] 史丹利是不是該講講喵喵新洋投了8
[閒聊] 中職球員卡7
Re: [討論] 台灣要改路名的話7
[討論] 5070效能約等於409012
Re: [討論] 洲際整修有消息了嗎6
[閒聊] 顯卡問4X5
[閒聊] Go Go Go13
[閒聊] 源田5
[閒聊] 5070 定價$549 !!!7
Re: [開戰] 金猿4
Re: [討論] 台灣要改路名的話7
Re: [討論] 台灣要改路名的話4
Re: [討論] 結婚強迫離職啦啦隊4
[閒聊] 1月職業棒球雜誌終於到貨拉