[分享] 簡森去天使
Angels, RHP Kenley Jansen reportedly agree to deal, per @MLBNetwork insider @JonHeyman.
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雖然高機率是一年約 但內文沒人寫吧XD
※ 編輯: hanksadder ( 臺灣), 02/11/2025 23:45:51
我多按了xd 歹勢
哈哈 真的一年約沒錯 1Y10M
簡森不想拼500SV了喔 今年天使closer應該Ben Joyce吧
[情報] 菊池雄星去天使 3年63MYusei Kikuchi to the Angels. $63M, 3 years. 根據記者Jon Heyman剛剛在推特發布的消息 菊池雄星以3年63M加入天使 拿到三年大約了爆
[情報] Noah Syndergaard to Angels 1yr/21MNoah Syndergaard is making progress on a deal with the #Angels, source says. @ MLBNetwork @MLB 天使終於要補投手了!? Noah Syndergaard and the #Angels have made recent progress on a 1-year deal, s37
[情報] 天使老闆想砸錢簽大棒子Jon Heyman says the #Angels are “looking at” Pete Alonso, but there seems to b e a gap in years. “I do believe Arte Moreno wants to get another big bat in there. And they would move Schanuel out to LF if they were to do that. I think Santander is probably29
[情報] 天使新總教練Ron WashingtonThe Angels have reportedly hired Ron Washington as their next manager, per MLB N etwork Insider Jon Heyman. 天使隊的新任總教練為Ron Washington 對他的第一印象就是遊騎兵當年差一顆好球時的總教練19
[分享] 今日Kenley JansenKenley Jansen 0.2IP 3H 1K 2ER ERA13.50 這成績...慘不忍睹,如果前田還在就好 到底Kenley Jansen在這個季後賽還有救嗎? 不然他就要變成敗戰處理投手 --14
Re: [情報] 天使隊願意聽取所有球員的報價 含大谷Angels listening on everybody, and for the first time that includes Ohtani. One rival says they want “your 4 top prospects.” Rivals all believe it is s major long shot that Angels ownership ultimately OKs a Shohei deal13
[分享] 今日Kenley Jansen今日Kenley Jansen (W,1-0) IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA NP Jansen 1.0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0.00 16(12-4) 今日道奇終結者簡森 在一戰定生死的外卡戰9
[情報] Christian Vázquez到雙城隊Christian Vázquez, Twins reportedly agree to a deal, per MLB Network Insider Jo n Heyman. 才說教士隊缺捕手想網羅,馬上就被攔胡幫QQ --5
[分享] 今日 Kenley JansenKenley Jansen IP H R ER BB SO ERA 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 2.92 大都會 vs 道奇 今日簡森上來救援5
[分享] 今日Kenley JansenKenley Jansen (SV, 8) NP-S:14-11 IP:1.0 H:1 R:0
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