[分享] Wander Franco
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一家四個人同名同姓,middle name應該有差才對
[炸裂] Wander Franco(大聯盟首安即首轟)百大第一 超大物新人Wander Franco 沒讓大家等太久 5局下半 本場第三個打席就大棒一揮 扛出一發左外野3分砲 幫助球隊追平比分49
[情報] Wander Franco和光芒簽下12yr/223M延長BREAKING NEWS: Wander Franco signed a 12 year / $223 million contract extensio n with the Tampa Bay Rays. 光芒和Wander Franco達成共識 簽下一張12年2.23億美金的延長合約21
[分享] Wander Franco被告知升大聯盟影片“It’s a pretty special moment for somebody in this room…” The moment Wander & his teammates were told he was going to The Show by our mana ger Brady Williams. Congrats, Wander!19
[分享] 襪迷大喊過譽 Wander Franco開轟回應超級新人Wander Franco登上大聯盟 在主場(難怪想要搬走)遭到襪迷反應援大喊過譽 結果他敲出三分砲回應 這也是生涯首安 --21
[分享] 今日Wander FrancoWander Franco先發二棒三壘手 大聯盟的處女秀 打數:4 得分:2 安打:219
[情報] Wander Franco 即將升上大聯盟BREAKING: It's Wander time. Top prospect Wander Franco has been told by #Rays he is being called up and will join them Tuesday when they open series against #RedSox at Trop. 光芒隊農場頂級新秀 Wander Franco10
[分享] 今日Wander Franco猛打賞12連勝AB 5 R 2 H 3 RBI 2 BB 08
[分享] Wander Franco連續25場上壘 追平紀錄Wander Franco has reached base safely in 25 straight games, tied for the longest streak by a player under 21 in the Expansion Era (since 1961). 8NStlOx 前百大第一,光芒大物新秀Wander Franco連續25場比賽安全上壘5
[分享] Wander Franco在家鄉球場練打影片That’s Wander Franco taking BP on a field he calls ‘home’ in the Dominican Re public. This is reality for kids playing ball in the DR. It’s not about shiny n ew toys/gadgets, it’s about heart, passion & sheer love of the game. Keep it re al!2
Re: [炸裂] Wander FrancoAt 20 years, 224 days, Wander Franco is the youngest player to have multiple HR in a single #postseason since Miguel Cabrera in 2003. 今年20歲又224天 是2003年的Miguel Cabrera之後在季後賽打出兩支以上全壘打最年輕的球員
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