[閒聊] 沒有在暈任何人
不是在交往 不然就在各種暈船
That it's finally me and you, and you and me
Just us, and your friend Steve
Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do Steve
Sent from BePTT on my Samsung SM-A528B
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] KD回應嘴綠講 2017勇士 vs 98公牛來源: KD推特 網址: 就是昨天嘴綠在推特上講到2017年勇士跟98年的公牛/爵士的比較, 可以看昨天這篇: □ [花邊] 追夢:以98年公牛打球風格 17勇可以贏爆
[外絮] Kerr:我跟濕婆也不能比Nash處理得更好“More than anything I feel for Steve,” Kerr said during his pregame news conference. “He has all the qualities to be a brilliant coach. Brilliant.” “It’s a good reminder to me, and I think all coaches, that we are at the爆
[情報] Steve Kerr確診 將缺席G4Warriors say coach Steve Kerr tested positive for COVID-19 and will miss Game 4 vs. Grizzlies. Mike Brown will serve as coach. 勇士教練Steve Kerr確診 將缺席勇士vs灰熊 Game479
[閒聊] Vulcan 推特言論引起爭議"NA PROS ARE TRASH AND DONT HAVE A GOOD ENOUGH WORK ETHIC" -Steve, Platinum IV, who never applied himself to be good enough at anything in life :) 「NA 職業選手是垃圾,沒有職業道德」–Steve,白金四,從來沒有致力於讓自己擅長任68
[花邊] Ty Lue談論他與Steve Kerr之間的友情來源: Ty Lue on his friendship with Steve Kerr: "I like Steve Kerr. He's always checki ng up on me... I don't cheer for too many guys, but I cheer for Steve... He's a genuine good person." Ty Lue談他與Steve Kerr的友誼:“我喜歡Steve Kerr。他常常來檢查我的狀況......。我65
[情報] Steve Nash 進入健康安全協議Steve Nash has been placed in the league’s COVID protocols and will not coach t onight, the Nets say. Steve Nash 進入健康安全協議 今天將不會上場執教65
[花邊] 快艇老闆:新球館不會再有秘密通道@NotoriousOHM PART 1: Steve Ballmer took me inside the construction site of the Intuit Dome and we talked about the Clippers’ finally having their own home complete with a Wall of sound and no secret hallways and how the dome is “another statement that says, ‘Hey look, we're nobody’s brother” Steve Ballmer談到快艇正在興建的新球場:我們終於有了自己的家,有一面隔音牆,沒有秘密通道。聽著,我們不是任何人的兄弟。 秘密通道講的是這件事52
[情報] Blake Griffin, Steve Nash 相約一起吃飯消息來源: Nets Nation, a good friend of mine just sent me this photo, taken in Brooklyn today. Lob City meets 7 Seconds or Less. Spread Love It’s the Brooklyn Way 最近剛成為籃網隊一員的 Blake Griffin46
[情報] 尼克開除總裁Steve Mills並追求Ujiri來源: 尼克總裁Steve Mills被開除, Woj消息表示尼克正追求暴龍總管Ujiri。3
Re: [問題] 有沒有暈船的一般向漫畫可推薦?一般向+暈船 怎看也是在講 出租女友啊 就來看看吧,人氣也不會太低。 可以先上巴哈看動畫版好進入狀況。 最近漫畫劇情讓人有點郁悶, 但是前面的劇情還是挺不錯的。
[閒聊] 睽違21年贏美國~~67
[閒聊] PJK雙響51
[討論] 美國484要告訴台灣Who’s your daddy了50
[暈船] 阿楷49
[暈船] 我可以穿Taiwan球衣出席記者會嗎46
[閒聊] 阿坤44
[閒聊] 潘傑楷大會表現41
[閒聊] 我錯了....40
[閒聊] 爽啦解鎖海外第一勝了39
[開戰] 魚住36
[閒聊] JOSH:我必須澄清這被斷章取義了35
[閒聊] 當時假球35
[分享] 爪爪2游32
[轉播] 刈包 3:2 漢堡 七△29
[閒聊] 等下美國如果故意觸身32
[分享] 我大國豪勝投 宇宙邦!!29
[分享] 四爺傷勢31
[閒聊] 目前台灣投手群成績29
[討論] 龍貓的不死金牌可以撐多久29
[閒聊] 爪爪二遊28
[閒聊] 美國不太可能輸27
[閒聊] 缺適時一擊26
[轉播] 刈包 2:0 漢堡 四▼27
[閒聊] 看啦啦隊穿日常衣服25
[閒聊] 江國豪21
[閒聊] 川普會怎麼想25
[閒聊] 宇宙無敵25
[閒聊] !!!阿坤清壘!!!23
[閒聊] 如果是打季軍戰 感覺凶多吉少22
[閒聊] 責任感超人