Re: [閒聊] Preller
Trade packages for Snell, Darvish, Musgrove, & Clevinger:
-Patiño, Wilcox, Mejia, Hunt
-Caisse, Preciado, Mena, Santana, Davies
-Bednar, Head, Cruz, Fellows, Lucchesi
-Naylor, Quantrill, Cantillo, Arias, Miller, Hedges
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] Mike Clevinger 去教士BREAKING: Padres acquire Mike Clevinger. 完整交易內容: The complete deal, per source: Padres get Mike Clevinger, Greg Allen and PTBNL , while Austin Hedges, Josh Naylor, Cal Quantrill, Gabriel Arias, Joey Cantill91
[情報] Blake Snell to PadresBREAKING: The San Diego Padres are finalizing a trade to acquire former Cy Young winner Blake Snell from the Tampa Bay Rays for prospects. 光芒隊與教士隊進行交易 送走陣中賽揚左投 Blake Snell,換來潛力新秀65
[情報] Mike Clevinger to PadresBREAKING: Padres acquire Mike Clevinger. Source: Deal is Clevinger, Greg Allen and PTBN to Padres; Quantrill, Arias, Ca ntillo, Hedges, Naylor and Miller to Indians. 完整交易內容:63
[情報] 達比修、Victor Caratini被交易到教士The #Padres are getting catcher Victor Caratini from the #Cubs in the Yu Darvi sh trade. Catcher Luis Campusano is staying in San Diego and is not part of th e deal. 達比修有、Victor Caratini被交易到教士44
[情報] Blake Snell去教士隊BREAKING: The San Diego Padres are finalizing a trade to acquire former Cy Young winner Blake Snell from the Tampa Bay Rays for prospects. 來源: 宇宙教降臨 The prospective deal that would send Blake Snell to San Diego would be centered29
[情報] Blake Snell當年交易案包裹現況看到 Luis Patino回教士了 就跑去查了一下當年包裹現況 San Diego Padres traded C Blake Hunt, RHP Cole Wilcox, C Francisco Mejia and RHP Luis Patino to Tampa Bay Rays for LHP Blake Snell. C Blake Hunt25
[情報] Joe Musgrove to PadresThe San Diego Padres are in agreement on a deal to acquire right-hander Joe Mu sgrove from the Pittsburgh Pirates, sources tell ESPN. 教士再出手! 從海盜交易來右投手Joe Musgrove9
[情報] 教士、海盜、大都會 三方交易教士從海盜那拿來右投Joe Musgrove 海盜從教士交易來Hudson Head(教士農場排名第七)、 Drake Fellows、David Bednar、 Omar Cruz,從大都會交易來Endy Rodriguez 大都會從教士得到左投Joey Lucchesi
[開戰] 其他隊下次知道了吧55
[開戰] 高鐵上亂坐位子的人35
[閒聊] 味全70勝超簡單任務30
[討論] 資格賽外野28
[閒聊] 今年龍邦TS的機率大概多少26
[閒聊] 天哥是年輕版的林哲瑄19
[閒聊] 昨天無聊跟朋友討論樂天的終結者16
[閒聊] MLB的改革還是沒大谷重要吧49
[閒聊] 脆上看到有人傳 韓籍小龍女三李柱?14
Re: [討論] 味全有機會超越LM王朝嗎11
[閒聊] 所以貓仔要放一軍還是二軍10
[開戰] 排列組合10
[討論] 味全有機會超越LM王朝嗎10
[大師] 今年季後賽有機會是龍邦喵三隊打嗎9
Re: [閒聊] 所以貓仔要放一軍還是二軍9
[閒聊] 陳子豪新應援曲聽感不錯9
[閒聊] 艾士特6
[閒聊] 日職沒人想接武士隊監督嗎?8
[閒聊] 以後是不是要叫釘孤枝連線了7
[閒聊] 酥胸今年還是球員身分7
[討論] 阿北母雞卡12
[閒聊] 朱哥小孩不想轉學52
[閒聊] 貓仔去富邦?6
[分享] 環狀線403地震損害鑑定出爐 中華工程未5
[討論] 非洲人開UG女孩卡散包7
[閒聊] 子豪還是很在乎沒打過國家隊這件事的5
[分享] 7-11 又有新的合作對象6
[閒聊] 崩潰14
[閒聊] 釘孤枝6
[閒聊] 林孝程改穿7號