[抱怨] 機捷異常
三小啦 …..
bad day QQ
※ PTT 留言評論
[爆卦] 機捷停駛 乘客走軌道好久沒在八卦版發文,機捷有輛直達車從台北出發後,在新莊塭仔圳這邊停下來,一開始 說車輛調度,之後改口說廣播系統異常,然後駕駛就從駕駛室離開,請乘客走軌道一路走 到A6站,並不能攜帶大型物品。 那些要搭機捷去機場的人滿倒霉的。 最後走到站的人,也只有登記男女數。42
[閒聊] 有角色幾乎都是「BAD DAY」的作品嗎一般人只要有一天諸事不順 就會覺得心煩意亂 不過人生中總有幾個BAD DAY 這也是無可奈何 可是 在作品中有些人就是專門被虐的 只要他出場就註定是個BAD DAY 像是lancer 幸運E 每天對他來說都是BAD DAY 被雷打死 車子沒有煞車 各式各樣的意外都會碰上他 幸運E還真不是浪得虛名18
[問卦] 這幾年美國流行音樂是不是不行了安安安 美國這幾年pop 我用Spotify 聽top pop 都好難聽 一堆rap 以前真的很好聽15
[問卦] Daniel Powter最頂的歌是哪首?Daniel Powter歌比人紅 Bad Day跟Free Loop放下去 應該沒人沒聽過吧 最頂的究竟是哪一首 有沒有八卦14
[花絮] LEBRON JAMES had a bad day...頻道名稱: Sabado Ballers Official 頻道連結: 簡短敘述:9
[SNS ] 220101 相關SNS整理220101 ║RM @rkive║ 新福多(天使光環笑臉)4
[情報] 03/24 the daily horoscopeEvery individual has both good and bad habits and traits in them. We all have virtues and vices. We all do good things, and we all make mistakes. But if you see someone on what is a bad day for them, you might see a lot more of the ba d than the good - but that in itself does not necessarily prove that this is a bad person. If you aren't seeing someone in the best light right now, Gemini,2
[情報] 05/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhat's the difference between a good day and a bad day, Moonchild? You might, off the cuff, say a good day is a day when good things happen, and a bad day is when things go wrong. And while those elements can contribute to how your day goes, it is up to you to choose to make a day good, and sometimes it requires real concentration. If you are dreading an upcoming- 有時候,在壞的日子裡,人們會把他們的怒火和挫折宣洩在周圍的人身上。我們都曾經歷過。但是對那個火大的自走砲來說,他們之後很可能會對自己的行為感到抱歉。你現在或許對某些超出自己能力範圍的狀況感到有點失望。但在此同時,小心不要把你的挫折發洩在別人身上。熱烈的社交生活就在你面前。設法讓它愉快又親切吧。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jun 14 Sometimes a person will have a bad day and take out their anger and frustration on the people around them. We have all experienced this in life. But for the one doing the venting, they will likely feel bad about their behavior later on. You may be a bit frustrated now by certain circumstances beyond your control. The good news is that things are getting better, Taurus. Hold onto that hope. But in the meantime, be careful not to take out your frustration on someone else. You have a very social day before you. Keep it light and friendly. --
[分享] 邰智源:去玩你的7:043
[分享] 萬安加碼!但沒有人設籍台北市40
[暈船] 美好的周一32
[閒聊] 捫心自問第幾局才覺得會贏?32
[分享] 郭俊麟真的很靠腰XDDDD32
[閒聊] 發票32
[閒聊] 辜仲諒好像不差吧?28
[閒聊] 回顧一下去年亞冠對日本打線28
[閒聊] 四爺適合接什麼代言?27
[閒聊] 台南市加碼發獎金27
[分享] 大谷昨天全程觀看台日金牌戰!21
[討論] 認真問吃檳榔怎麼了嗎26
[閒聊] 八年級生的感想24
[閒聊] 發票23
[閒聊] 2025資格賽預測22
[閒聊] 隔壁棚vs紐西蘭21
[閒聊] 王建民續約爪爪9
[閒聊] 就是在吃檳榔,為什麼要一直辯菸草20
[閒聊] 各位尊貴的冠軍球迷午安20
[閒聊] 堀內恆夫:戶鄉未能回應期待19
[閒聊] 目前機場接機人潮19
[閒聊] 遠雄好朋友(自稱龍迷的油頭)有蹭對什麼19
[閒聊] 至少我打球沒有看過在吃檳榔的17
Re: [閒聊] 就是在吃檳榔,為什麼要一直辯菸草18
[閒聊] 有沒有人 昨天看得很爽 但是17
[討論] 好多人都要當統一球迷了15
[閒聊] 林立:「我跟龍貓拼那麼久,總冠軍拼不到14
[閒聊] 樂天球星辰己涼介展現旅美的決心與優勢14
[閒聊] 這次日本隊風格有跟我們印象中的不同嗎?