Re: [討論] 大餅:球隊在找洋砲了
Am I a joke to you?
※ PTT 留言評論
[外絮] 嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,嘴綠:我不懂為什麼有人說LBJ不是得分手,本身有在打球卻還這樣說的人很白痴 "I think over 48 minutes from a possession to possession basis, I think Luka loo ks to score a little bit more than LeBron has. Now in saying that, it just shows you also how great LeBron is because here I am saying Luka looks to score a lit tle bit more than LeBron and LeBron's some 1300 odd points away from passing Kar爆
[外絮] 哈登:我告訴莫雷先去補強,剩多少再給我Exclusive: James Harden tells Sixers 'sign who we [need] to sign and give me w hatever is left over' with new deal James Harden接受記者Chris Haynes採訪談到下賽季的展望。 “I had conversations with Daryl, and it was explained how we could get better爆
[外絮] KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會 “I feel like that’s a narrative that [media created]. I don’t even think LeBr on does that,” Durant told Yahoo Sports. “He might have input or know some inf ormation. But him saying [pointing left], ‘This is who you should get.’ [Point s right.] ‘That’s who you should get,’ I don’t think it works like that.爆
[外絮] 珍妮:我是湖人老闆,我為每個決定負責Angry Lakers owner Jeanie Buss denies LeBron James rumors 湖人老闆Jeanie Buss受訪,談到湖人相關傳聞與本賽季表現。 “Do they have final say? No. Are they running the team? No, no, not at all,” Buss told The Los Angeles Times about Lakers star LeBron James and his camp at爆
[外絮] KI:如果在騎士有現在成熟,能拿更多冠軍籃網後衛Kyrie Irving近日參加了一檔名為《我是運動員(I Am Athlete)》的節目,期間 他談到了自己當初在奪冠後離開克里夫蘭的經歷。 “If I was in the same maturity line and understanding of who I am, and I look b ack, we definitely, definitely would’ve won more championships, because there w ould’ve been a better man-to-man understanding about what I’m going through. I64
[無言] 除濕機:Am I a joke to you?前陣子家人給了個百貨公司送的水冷扇 想說趁假日沒事來開箱吹吹看 看到房間除濕機的水箱裡有一點水,想說不要浪費 然後再把除濕機水箱的水倒進水冷扇的瞬間 腦袋突然有個畫面52
[影音] APINK - I want you to be happy 'MV'專輯封面 發行日 2022.04.19 類型 Ballad 發行社 Kakao Entertainment34
Re: [無言] 除濕機:Am I a joke to you?你讓我想起一件往事,幾年前我到朋友公司參觀 他們休息室擺了兩台飲水機 我看一台車水馬龍,另一台乏人問津 就問是怎麼回事 朋友指著無人光顧的那台說10
[問卦] 現在還是教I am fine thank you 嗎嗨多摩 是這樣的 突然在想 現在的國小生 學英文的時候
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