[正妹] Big Smile 笑一個
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[閒聊] 朴恩斌近期媒體採訪照(theqoo)出處:8
[閒聊] Peko的Smile是誰這是乒乓的peko 他跟smile從前就認識 時常一起打乒乓球7
[情報] 0214 DailyHoroscopeIf you said something nice with a frown or an angry look on your face, or if y ou were to say something mean with a big warm smile, you would probably confus e whoever you were talking to. Our thoughts and our feelings usually match our body language and our facial expressions. You can convey an awful lot by your tone of voice and your demeanor. Keep that in mind today if you have to conve7
[問卦] 松井愛莉有機會成為新垣結衣的接班人嗎?剛在KKTV看完整部「辦公室的秘密新婚」 這部日劇,說實在的,還滿好看 尤其女主角松井愛莉演技真的很不錯 邊看邊思考,這女的有機會成為新垣結衣的接班人嗎? 先不論長相跟身材以及笑容4
[情報] 4/29(三)DailyHoroscope獅子們,你無所畏懼的個性和大大的笑容,讓多數人不會想到你偶爾也會缺乏安全感。因為就算沒自信,你也會故作勇敢,甚至為了說明自己有自信,而特地作戲給大家看。然而有時讓自己放下防備是比較聰明的作法,或是讓信任的人瞭解你的脆弱與沒安全感。為什麼呢?因為這樣可以讓他們支持你,讓他們跟你分享你就是這麼特別,點出你具有的驚人特性,而這能重建你的自信。 ------------- 原文: Because of your bold personality and your big smile, Leo, most people would never guess that you occasionally experience insecurities. That's because even when you don't feel confident, you put on a brave front, or you may even put on a show that spells out the opposite. But sometimes it is wise to let your guard down and let someone you trust see your vulnerability and insecurity. Why? Because that will allow them to support you - to share with you how special you really are and to point out the amazing characteristics you possess, which in turn will build your confidence back up.2
[問題] Smile果實有10%機率是不是很高了?人工的惡魔果實,Smile果實 吃下去有10%機率可以變成動物系惡魔果實能力者 剩下90%會變成只會笑的態樣 沒有主角命格去賭吃動物系還要吃到幻獸種的人來說 吃Smile應該滿值得賭的吧?2
[閒聊] Smile BIG Sister Sadistic SurpriseI mean It's not that big right R-18差分】生乳、母乳、超乳化差分、psd配布など...1
[情報] 09/01 the daily horoscopeIf you find something that you could laugh about today, then laugh. Don't hold it in. Don't pretend to be too appropriate to let out a big belly laugh, Gemi ni. There hasn't been enough humor in your life recently - and yet chances to laugh are all around you. And if you can't laugh, then at least smile. When yo u get into a pattern where nothing seems funny, you start to lose hope. Make i1
Re: [問卦] /|||\小孩笑容可以撐到幾歲?◢█◣ ◢ ◢▆█▆◣ 乖乖乖乖乖 乖乖乖乖乖 ◢▄▆█▁▂▁◣▃◣ ◥█▅ˊ ˋ▅◢◤ 健康快樂乖乖 營養好吃乖乖 ▇▅‘。’◢◤- 房價高,賺的人笑,買不起的人也笑 沒疫苗,也是一直笑,有政府好安心 股票漲破兩萬,一直笑,賺翻了,20年經濟最好 股票跌破兩萬,在天台也在笑 就連民主,都已經被踐踏成這德行