Re: [新聞] US Housing Starts Rebound To Highest S

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US Housing Starts Rebound To Highest Since July 2006, Rental Permits Tumble

After February's unexpected plunge (weather-driven), Housing Starts and
Permits bounced back in March but in a very different manner.


After a downwardly-revised 10.3% plunge in February, Housing Starts spiked
19.4% MoM in March (much better than the +13.4% MoM expected).

經過2月份向下修正後的10.3% 的暴跌,房屋開工數在3月份飆升至19.4% (遠高於月增率預期的 + 13.4%)。

After an upwardly-revised 8.8% drop in February, Building Permits jumped 2.7%MoM (modestly better than the +1.7% expected)

經過2月份向上修正的8.8% 的下降後,建築許可增長了2.7% (略高於1.7% 的預期)

This pushed Housing Starts to their highest since July 2006 (but the
forward-looking building permits remains well off its post-pandemic-plunge
spike highs),,,



Both single- and multi-family starts bounced back in March...

個別戶和多戶家庭的新屋開工數在3月份都有所反彈... ..。

But, while single-family permits were up 4.6% MoM, multi-family permits
dropped 3.6%...

但是,雖然個別戶的許可增加了4.6% ,多戶家庭的許可下降了3.6% ..。

It would appear homebuilders are shifting away from 'rental nation'. Are
soaring, record-high lumber prices stalling the optimism of homebuilders
going forward?



※ 引述《maomaoder (毛毛的)》之銘言:
: 來源: ZeroHedge
: 內容:
: FRIDAY, APR 16, 2021 - 08:43 AM
: After February's unexpected plunge (weather-driven), Housing Starts and Permits bounced back in March but in a very different manner.
: -After a downwardly-revised 10.3% plunge in February, Housing Starts spiked 19.4% MoM in March (much better than the +13.4% MoM expected).
: -After an upwardly-revised 8.8% drop in February, Building Permits jumped 2.7% MoM (modestly better than the +1.7% expected)
: This pushed Housing Starts to their highest since July 2006 (but the forward-looking building permits remains well off its post-pandemic-plunge spike highs),,,
: Both single- and multi-family starts bounced back in March...
: But, while single-family permits were up 4.6% MoM, multi-family permits dropped 3.6%...
: It would appear homebuilders are shifting away from 'rental nation'. Are soaring, record-high lumber prices stalling the optimism of homebuilders going forward?
: 心得: 無
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Motorola moto g 5G plus.

Every man for himself and God against them all.


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charlie8604/17 21:42翻譯給推

kitsunesaru04/17 22:20推翻譯,辛苦了

ffaarr04/17 22:32防民之口甚於防川,鎖文也沒用啦。

gibbsc04/17 22:32樓上XD

ffaarr04/17 22:35你敢做這種事就不要怕人講啊。

敢做什麼事? 翻譯文章嗎?

※ 編輯: femlro ( 臺灣), 04/17/2021 22:36:03

ffaarr04/17 22:37推錯篇,我要推17049 但鎖文所以推歪了

boogieman04/17 22:44推版主兼翻譯