Re: [閒聊] 40K 獅王不會變年輕喔?
: 推 pgame3: 獅王:這是遠方銀河系傳來潮指數,你們不會懂的 10/01 17:55: 推 zm0243: 所有原體都有資格質疑攝政夫人,只有獅王沒資格,一萬年 10/01 17:55: → zm0243: 前就跟異形鬼混了 10/01 17:55: 推 ggeneration: 話說第二帝國三巨頭很巧合都跟非人種族有聯繫 10/01 18:31: → ggeneration: 萊恩 奸奇大魔看到都得大叫然後掉頭烙跑的黑暗守望者 10/01 18:32: → ggeneration: 基里曼 靈族大先知與死神軍 10/01 18:33: 推 CrazyLord: 原來DA老家的小綠人這麼兇啊? 連奸奇大魔都不敢靠近 10/01 19:29: → willytp97121: 小綠人現在都還不知道什麼來頭 古聖相關? 10/01 21:40黑暗守望者是來自亞空間或甚至多重宇宙的觀測者,外網有人引過《死翼》的內容來證明混沌諸神是多重宇宙性質的存在:
The palace burned. Its sprawling plan, laid down by increment over millennia,had culminated in a glorious basilica on an epic scale. It was a fortress,
capitol, monument, fane, its completion the project of one who had set
Himself apart from history and sought to make the future His own. Now, its
walls had been brought low and His dreams with them, humbled by the creation
of His own genius. The blood that tarred its triumphal plazas was its own,
spilled by wayward sons. And half a galaxy away, on another world, another
palace burned. It too had accumulated battlements and halls over millennia,
its finished state the vision of a leader such as arises on a world but once
in a thousand years. It too had been brought low. It too ran with the blood
of its fallen sons.
This was the future that could not be escaped, as indelible to those with thesense for it as the present. The galaxy was aflame, the primordial
annihilator ran rampant, the pattern repeated over and over, and the gods of
the warp glutted on the hubris of man.
'We told him that Chaos could not be defeated, only fought.' The other
Watchers stood in silent observation, witnessing the fall of what the humans
– placed in their charge by pure chance – had called Aldurukh.
None of them were truly present. Their existence was not limited by time or
place in such a fashion. Nor was their true form that of the cowled
diminutive by which they visited this corporeal dimension, even when
unobserved. They were creatures of ritual and habit, not unlike the human
culture that, through infrequent intervention, they had incidentally
cultivated over fifteen thousand years.
Not that one span of time occurred to them as being greater or lesser than
any other.
'They ignore our warnings,' said another.
'They do not listen.'
'A failing of the race. Did Eldrad of the aeldari not attempt to forewarn thePhoenician?'
'We had a duty to try. If Chaos is to be defeated on Earth, then it will riseagain here.'
'It is already too late. The Ouroboros stirs. The Lion continues to employ
its power.' The Watchers were silent as they considered the possible outcomesof their inactions. Theirs was not a linear continuum. Time was a mosaic,
three-dimensional and beautiful, too much for any one set of eyes, however
studied, to interpret as a complete image. Each detail needed to be viewed inisolation and judged on its own merits. They were creatures of potential, andthough the future before them grew dark, there were paths that a keen eye
might discern.
'The Angels will have a part to play yet, come the end of it all.'
'Perhaps, but I fear that the destruction of Caliban is our last hope for thefuture now. It will be the final blow that sunders them. Is even the Lion
willing to commit such an act?' The Watchers pondered the ineffable as the
first war of the Fallen played out, a tessellation in the repeating pattern
of the mosaic. One alone amongst them turned his hooded gaze upward, looking
for the spread of stars known colloquially as the Iron Corridor.
'I do not think that will be a problem.'
We are weapons. There is the Emperor, and there is war. Nothing more.
[外絮] KI:如果在騎士有現在成熟,能拿更多冠軍籃網後衛Kyrie Irving近日參加了一檔名為《我是運動員(I Am Athlete)》的節目,期間 他談到了自己當初在奪冠後離開克里夫蘭的經歷。 “If I was in the same maturity line and understanding of who I am, and I look b ack, we definitely, definitely would’ve won more championships, because there w ould’ve been a better man-to-man understanding about what I’m going through. I39
[40K]獅王:森林之子心得(雷)慎選翻譯庭 B站好幾人在做翻譯 但目前看下來只有一人翻譯的文筆比較喜歡 然後我可以跟你們講我這篇肯定會雷 怕爆雷的先避難 獅王:森林之子31
[閒聊] 新英雄 貝爾薇絲 互動語音對虛空角色很有興趣 所以就來翻看看了 只翻針對特定角色的台詞 初次遇見 維爾戈31
Re: [40K]獅王萊昂和暗黑天使關於不懂人心的獅王和他的那群叛逆子嗣 要回到何魯斯叛亂後 身心俱疲的獅王終於回家了 此時卡利班主要分成3派 阿斯特蘭、盧瑟和札哈瑞爾 阿斯特蘭,自私的背骨仔 忠帝皇不忠獅王派29
[閒聊] 官方解說Alex Jacques在Lec衝線前的金句His career was finished without the intervention of the late Jules Bianchi, who said to Ferrari, "You've got to take this guy, you've got to make sure he gets to Formula 1." And what a gift that was given. In 2017, Charles Leclerc lost his father, and in his final days, he told his father a white lie: that he'd made it to Formula 1; that he'd signed the25
[40K]獅王爸拔起床後的黑暗天使在想甚麼阿茲瑞喵 當代黑暗天使至高大導師 曾失手炸了巨岩 導致墮天使失散各時間線 已經原鑄化 阿茲莫代 神經叨叨的審判牧師 成功讓兩個墮天使贖罪 獲得兩個黑珍珠21
Re: [40k] 暗黑天使的秘密推 a33356: 不過現在原體歸來,血統可能不純的秘密就沒差了,獅王已經 04/24 15:12 → a33356: 表示只要沒受混沌影響,過去是忠是叛就不管了,至於第二帝 04/24 15:12 → a33356: 國,他老人家都把(第二帝國在用的)護國公頭銜拿出來講 04/24 15:12 → a33356: 大概也沒在管了 04/24 15:12 → NurgleJason: 真假的?小說中真把護國公拿來用? 04/24 15:1319
[40K]獅王萊昂和暗黑天使最近獅王回歸 沒想到C洽竟然討論的還蠻熱烈的(以40K標準來說) 所以我想以我認知的獅王形象討論一下這位現實中人氣也相當高的原體 (霸道總裁獅王) 首先,獅王的個性確實很有霸道總裁的樣子 他的自尊心極高、自負而且個性陰鬱冷酷5
Re: [40K] 光恐虐手下就夠把人類滅了吧?我記得混沌四神手下有66個大魔還多少,每個大魔底下又有大量惡魔,所以基本上「如果混沌諸神要動真格的消滅人類」大概也是輕而易舉,但是亞空間諸神只對他們的遊戲有興趣,而且彼此又互相修幹,入侵現實宇宙除了某阿巴頓的意志外大概就是玩玩而已,入侵泰拉的恐虐惡魔主要是因為泰拉上的邪教信徒所召喚,然後透過「血腥暴力」增強混沌的力量才成功創造出可以大量召喚惡魔的環境,就如同卡迪亞阿巴頓用混沌巫師召喚惡魔大軍,然後利用因為惡魔大軍和人類帝國的戰爭所產生的更多的「智慧生物的強烈情緒,想法」來增加召喚的容量,不過當時也跟大裂縫擴ꐊj有關係,而且混沌諸神已經非常依賴人類的情緒了,所以大概也滅不了的,何況亞空間還有綠皮們的搞毛二哥,蟲巢的亞空間陰影讓他們也沒辦法專心對付人類吧? 不過現在才想到,寂靜修女的無魂者特質跟蟲巢的亞空間陰影是不是有關係啊?難道古人類跟蟲巢有關係? --2
Re: [問卦] 為何宇宙裡只有人類發展出文明??人類科技可探測觀察到的宇宙只有這麼大(.) 實際上的宇宙有這麼大 ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................
[情報] 膽大黨 07 LO/原畫公開爆
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[24秋] 膽大黨 07 神回 最棒的動畫化QQ65
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[閒聊] 0~9選擇你的女僕52
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[閒聊] 作了AI圖靈測試 來玩看看分不分的出吧50
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[情報] 天穗之咲稻姬 動畫續篇決定!42
[Vtub] AZKi 活動六週年35
[閒聊] 原來你是女的?35
[Vtub] Kobo 發生什麼事情了?31
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[24秋] 地錯 五期 07 暈船阿姨30
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