[閒聊] 東離劍遊記S4 OP完整版
昨天才發現 西川教主在一個禮拜前放出完整版PV
在繁華的東京街頭 配上紫色調濾鏡
和各種人物的LIVE 2D 展現魔幻的風格
歌詞一樣 到處藏著"霹靂"的隱喻
Our futures are hanging by a thread
Jackals hiding in the woods along the way
Lips bitter with the taste, Black reputation
吹き荒ぶ咆哮 闇を喰らう衝動
Don't you see the bolt from the blue? Skies got broken
光に散る欠片の業 世界を分つSqualls
Don't you look back! The truth is gonna hurt, You'll fall into oblivion
Don't you look back! 奈落に抗うただひとつの燈よ
Lips bitter with the taste, Black reputation
在りし日の落陽 捨てきれぬ情動
Such a bolt came down from the blue
Don't you see the bolt from the blue? Skies got broken
光に散る欠片の業 世界を分つSqualls
Don't you look back! The truth is gonna hurt, You'll fall into oblivion
Don't you look back! 奈落に抗うただひとつの燈よ
With the speed of light, And the tiger's bite
Through the darkest night, Fight for all that's right
這季OP好聽 畫面也讚
看到東京街頭亮出禍世冥煌的圖案 東京宛如變成魔都了...
[花邊] Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能已經拿下五個總冠軍了 I mean he respects Doc. I don’t think he respects Steve Nash, Doc is gonna do e verything in his power to try to make them to work. But my thing is when I look at that Embiid right now is the best big in the game but I’m like … if I had t he chance to play with the talent that Harden plays with, I’d probably be walki84
[花邊] 老巴針對Ja受傷:「我被親的更大力過」來源:NBA on TNT Chuck Goes OFF After Ja Morant Injury Against Warriors In Game 3 | NBA on TNT 老巴: "I am getting sick of the NBA right now. We don't have to review everthing18
[閒聊] 劍星迷你OST - Everglow 非官方歌詞先防個雷 這首超好聽的啊啊啊啊,搭配軌道電梯那個地球場景真的絕配!! 有人跟據reddit 用戶分享的歌詞,自己重聽配上字幕,並剪了一個MV9
[問卦] When You Say Nothing at All 當你什麼都It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart 真是神奇!你猜透我的心 With out saying a word you can light up the dark 即使不發一語也能帶來光明 Try as I may I could never explain7
[23春]她去公爵家的理由 ED 2完整版這一首還蠻好聽的歌詞配上第六集畫面努蠻有感覺的1+1 可惜動畫太窮5
[Vtub] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City LightsLazuLight - Diamond City Lights 真的挺好聽的 尤其是副歌部份 原文歌詞如下 The day I opened up memory's door4
Fw: [聽歌] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City Lights作者: cloud7515 (殿) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [Vtub] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City Lights 時間: Mon May 17 00:07:35 2021 LazuLight - Diamond City Lights4
[問卦]今天阿根廷是不是又要別為我哭泣了It won't be easy, you'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love after all that I've done You won't believe me, all you will see is a girl you once knew Although she's dressed up to the nines3
[情報] 我的上流世界 OST part 4 "dear son"今天更新OST part 4 Park Sun Yae - Dear Son Spotify: 歌詞1
[歌詞] 大声ダイヤモンド(英語ver)AKB48 DVD Magazine Vol. 3 AKB48 in NYAF AKB48 Live in NY 大声ダイヤモンド(英語Ver.) (日文的地方就是唱日文)
[蔚藍] 聖誕SP生放96
[問題] 在宿舍怎麼玩黑白妹 急80
[閒聊] 史丹利是不是真的很恨統神?爆
[推投] 銀魂 最喜歡女角「1票」83
[GBF] 合作活動 魔法老師爆
[活俠] 小梅…噢…我的小梅……65
[討論] 今年最好看的動畫要推哪部64
[閒聊] 傑利鼠木雕56
[生日] 今天是聲優「楠木燈」的25歲生日!56
[閒聊] 無限暖暖:三件以上是指至少四件49
[Vtub] LIVE是真的LIVE嗎?51
[蔚藍] 新角(睡衣)公開 好有感覺!!76
[閒聊] 鍾培生:規則絕對是統神有利,但裁判不47
[沒倒] 鎖鏈戰記 出大事啦!!!!!!42
[蔚藍] 4周年紀念曲&PV公開42
[問題] 黑白妹 2 DLC FPS忽然降超低27
[閒聊] 拳擊是不是注定紅不了?40
[閒聊] 碧藍航線 7年的變化40
Re: [蔚藍] 新活動 秘密のミッドナイトパーティー~37
[閒聊] 壞女人的魅力是什麼?35
[蔚藍] 聖誕之前! SP! 生放集錦(圖極多注意)33
[情報] 魔都精兵的奴隸 二期 新CV公開32
[閒聊] 變成付喪神的鋼彈模型31
[閒聊] 史丹利敢跟統神打一場拳上嗎?28
[問題] 怪獸8號這部高潮是第幾本?30
[閒聊] 黑白妹作者:放心吧29
[閒聊] 「一步都沒有退」第一個想到誰?29
[情報] 親女兒閃刀姬又出異圖啦28
[情報] GBF11週年活動預告 十二神將演義