[閒聊] 暗黑4廣告看板因讓人回想疫情封控被投訴

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 暗黑4廣告看板因讓人回想疫情封控被投訴作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:9

Someone Complained to Ad Standards That a Diablo 4 Billboard Reminded Them ofthe ‘Hell’ of Lockdown

*[1;32m被投訴的廣告看板如下 莉莉絲錯了嗎??*[m

Advertising standards officials have dismissed a complaint about a Diablo 4 “Welcome to Hell” billboard displayed in Melbourne.

The unnamed complainant contacted the Australian Ad Standards Community Panelto say the billboard “brought back memories of the hell of the two years of
lockdowns in Melbourne”.

The person also accused the advert of causing offense to Christians and
Catholics, and “promoting evil and satanic paraphernalia”.

“The words 'welcome to Hell Melbourne' as part of the advertisement for this
game and a picture of a devil are offensive to me as a Christian,” reads the

“The imagery is also inappropriate for my children to see and has already
given them nightmares. The imagery is frightening to children as the demonic
looking character is staring at the camera, creating the effect of staring atthe observer. It is located in an prominent position beside a busy freeway
where children have a clear view of the very large Billboard.

“I feel it's inappropriate to show such disgusting and disturbing content on
a billboard where children are seeing this on a daily basis. It has no
context and for an adult of 43, I found it unsettling.

“It’s scary for young children who see it, but even as an adult it brought
back memories of the hell of the two years of lockdowns in Melbourne. The
language and words used are not necessary to get across the message about therelease of this game.”

As you’d expect, the Ad Standards Community Panel dismissed the complaint,
in hilarious fashion.

On the point about religion, the Panel pointed to the comma between “hell”
and “Melbourne”, stressing the ad is not saying the city itself is hell.
Never forget the important of a well-placed comma!

Does the ad contain violence? The panel didn’t think so. It compared the
image of Lilith, Diablo 4’s antagonist, to Disney’s Maleficent and even
noted a Melbourne Australian rules football club nicknamed The Demons.



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tonyxfg07/05 23:01簡單說就是宗教狂熱者

zero961371907/05 23:02艾德格~救我~

Layase07/05 23:03海德格在你背後 他很怒

shirokase07/05 23:03簡單來說,被害妄想症發作

pufferfish7207/05 23:04天使就真很爛

pufferfish7207/05 23:04莉莉絲好歹是用自己ㄉ方式保護人類

pufferfish7207/05 23:04伊那瑞斯除了自慰自己可以上天堂還能幹嘛

leon1979060207/05 23:06簡譯:這個看板強X我

bamama5607/05 23:06這我知道啊 生一個魔女女兒然後毀滅小鎮的瘋女人

anpinjou07/05 23:11中國不....咦

babuturtle07/05 23:17D4裡面沒有撒旦吧

shuten07/05 23:20蛤.JPG

w316082807/05 23:28D3就有瘋子在那邊說D3宣揚撒旦了

bego48707/05 23:39蛤?

CarlosC07/05 23:39天堂救救我

Doracacazin07/06 00:02天堂那群傢伙就是披著光環的惡魔

f7850785107/06 00:04遊戲紅投訴多 該是比法務部誰家厲害

SunnyBrian07/06 00:28還以為是某囯,那沒事了

skysonic07/06 00:32低能十字教徒

s801857207/06 00:48天堂救救我

juncat07/06 01:22其實我也不太贊成把可能小朋友看了會怕的圖做大頭宣傳

aegius1r07/06 01:28不 小朋友沒那麼脆弱..

jekyllhsu07/06 01:30怎麼可能是宣揚呢,遊戲的主旨可是要把這些惡魔反覆的

jekyllhsu07/06 01:30刷出PTSD來啊

Ohiyo54307/06 01:57小朋友真的沒那麼脆弱,尤其是在這個資訊爆炸的年代裡

LastAttack07/06 03:51可悲迷信投訴者==

WarnLeadwar07/06 05:53整天以為自己能上天堂

Ariadust07/06 07:21遇到真瘋子和宗教瘋子的對策都是離遠一點,為了自己的

Ariadust07/06 07:21安全

evravon286607/06 08:45對哈利波特都能唉唉叫了,D系列對他們來說太超過啦