[閒聊] The Curse Of War @EmilBilalov_



I want that mace so bad
※ PTT 留言評論
[組包] Humble Choice 2020 五月Humble 2020 五月包: ---------------------- 1.JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION + 1 DLC49
[炸裂] 李灝宇二局上半 面對投手Tommy Mace擊出左中外野方向的兩分砲 本季第12轟 讓比數形成5:1 影片連結:45
[情報] Live GMMTV2021 : The New Decade BeginsGMMTV的2021新戲預定發表 以下是這次發表會的戲劇 1. [46 Days]45
[情報] Joe Zieja公開羅文情報來源:Joe Zieja 情報詳細內容: Rowen, Dragon Lance 3/3/2 龍族傳說卡15
[閒聊] Perkz 推特LEC - the league where everyone beats G2 and FNC but in the end G2 always smashes FNATIC LEC - 一個大家都能擊敗G2和FNC,但最終G2總是會擊敗FNC的聯盟 同場加映老闆和隊伍的推特:1
Re: [爆卦] 拜登口頭將台灣提升為北約等級盟友節錄拜登的說法 There's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to- 其實美國總統說出… 把台灣放在 韓國 跟 北約 同一個等, 看起來很猛, 但是…在下面這句前面,完全還好… We are in a situation where they are in entities we've made agreements with ba
[問卦] 你朋友被打,你敢下去噴mace嗎你朋友被打,你敢下去噴mace嗎 我建議,先錄影錄到被打後 有畫面再來噴對方,自衛 小弟我苦練慢跑+隨身攜帶mace 噴完,我就不信他們這些抽煙仔追得上我!!!1
[影音] 230218 第12屆 CIRCLE CHART Music Award230218 第12屆 CIRCLE CHART Music Awards 1部 2部 WeDemBoyz - 開場表演- ☆時間 ・10/30 ・13:00-18:00 ・彈性非固定,可調整 ♡地點