[真愛] Do you hear Kita sings?

看板C_Chat標題[真愛] Do you hear Kita sings?作者
時間推噓31 推:31 噓:0 →:8

Do you hear Kita sings?
Singing the song of lonely men?
It is the music of a people
Who will be brave again
When the singing of Kita
Touches the deep of your heart
Thre is a live about to start
When Kessoku comes

Will you join our fight?
Who will be matey and stand with me?
Beyond the internet
Is there a wife you long to see?

Then vote for Kita
That will set your heart to be free!

Do you hear Kita sings?
Singing the song of lonely men?
It is the music of a people
Who will be brave again
When the singing of Kita
Touches the deep of your heart
Thre is a live about to start
When Kessoku comes

Will you give all your love
So that our singer may advance
She will shine and she will brave
Will you stand up take your chance
The ballot of yours
Will honour her gorgeous grace



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BepHbin04/27 11:39悲慘世界都出來了......

owlman04/27 11:40這個必須推XD

AgoodRival04/27 11:40敲碗one day more

jeremy798604/27 11:42什麼啦wwww

pinkidd04/27 11:44悲慘世界

Xpwa563704ju04/27 11:45三小啦XD

miyazakisun204/27 11:46我腦袋沒音樂 有連結可以聽嗎

Tsucomi6904/27 11:48在傳教嗎?

will3011904/27 11:52悲慘世界也行嗎..

antonio01904/27 11:52太大 偽物

shanjie04/27 11:54求警長臨終前的魔改版本XD

mushrimp546604/27 11:56

mkcg582504/27 12:01痾...

doomhammer04/27 12:0124601

suanruei04/27 12:01人才輩出啊

RapunzElsa04/27 12:04笑死,悲慘世界都來了

thelittleone04/27 12:06怎麼有聲音

dgplayer04/27 12:08one day more太難了吧

weebeer62604/27 12:08終止讚

w951504/27 12:09革命了同志們XDD

IntelG456004/27 12:11孤獨世界

MoodyBlues04/27 12:12音樂自動響起w

smart0eddie04/27 12:14三小

dnek04/27 12:17又瘋了一個

stps42404/27 12:18Can you feel the lone tonight

ABiao022004/27 12:19孤獨世界

a1674598404/27 12:20英文不好 求翻譯

aa91300tw04/27 12:25看到標題就笑了

memep704/27 12:28笑死 浪費才能系列哈哈哈

se242204/27 12:34這有才

Pegasus9904/27 12:37可是他們後來死光光了(遮嘴)

koronenodog04/27 12:37喜多創作文有才的真多

a951l753vin04/27 12:40…蛤?

Cookie04/27 12:46太慘了吧 笑出來

nocamera04/27 13:05哪有這麼慘啦XDD

holypiggy04/27 13:38好慘

salk120304/27 14:0724601

gsmfrsf04/27 14:34One Day More!

Satoman04/27 19:08字數不足,煩請修正