[閒聊] 原神是一款像霍格華茲的傳承的好遊戲

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 原神是一款像霍格華茲的傳承的好遊戲作者
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Best games like Hogwarts Legacy in 2023

Hogwarts Legacy is already looking to be
an early contender for
game of the year,
delivering a triple AAA experience to
consoles and PC with the Harry Potter
brand in hand.
The vast open world,
detailed recreation of Hogwarts,
and juicy fanservice are
incredibly appealing.
But where does this leave Android users?
It seems like a tall order to find
AAA games that deliver on a budget
but still provide a quality experience,
but it doesn't mean we don't have
fantastic Android games that share
an uncanny resemblance
to Hogwarts Legacy,
which is why we've rounded up
the best Android titles that
offer similar themes.
Don't forget to bring our trusty
Android gaming phone along for the ride!

8. Genshin Impact

Now if you're trying to find time to
sink similar to Hogwarts Legacy's
breathtaking world and love exploring
more than anything else —
Genshin Impact is unparalleled in
its theme for open-world exploration.
Both games make adventuring
feel like a triple AAA experience.
And if you inspect closer,
Genshin Impact shares more
in common with Hogwarts Legacy
than one might think.
For example, vision holders in
Genshin Impact are like chosen ones,
similar to wizards and
witches in Hogwarts;
sadly, not everyone is gifted
in the arts of magic.
And thanks to the self-insertion
(on the protagonists),
both games deliver well on the
power fantasy front.


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※ 編輯: Lb1916 ( 臺灣), 02/11/2023 08:25:18

jack5u06d9302/11 08:25原粉別臉上貼金好嗎?

tchaikov181202/11 08:25椅子都可坐

deepdish02/11 08:26隨便啦 無聊當有趣

s275113802/11 08:29到底多喜歡霍格華茲?

polanco02/11 08:30原來也有抄襲霍格華茲

wellwest02/11 08:35好了啦原粉

Gwaewluin02/11 08:45果然是抄襲:(

bakedgrass02/11 08:45英文很多這種無聊的爛文章,明明差很多的遊戲也硬要列

bakedgrass02/11 08:46基本上就只是為了搏眼球賣廣告而大量生產的農場文

RamenOwl02/11 08:48好可憐

imsaint02/11 08:53原神被蹭多少次了 有差這次?

PunkGrass02/11 09:11哈哈

s045033602/11 09:27你很無聊

qweertyui89102/11 10:34電影加小說營收都不如原,好意思拿來比

jaye5e5e5e502/11 10:44不要再來碰瓷原神了,整天蹭

tetsu32702/11 12:11廢文仔又多一隻

s3300303002/11 12:57哪個紅蹭哪個 優秀

s3300303002/11 12:58我是說原粉