Re: [閒聊] 蘑菇 Dream Sweet in Sea Major

Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
For merely dreaming we were snow
A siren sounds like the goddess who
Promises endless apologies of paradise
And only she can make it right
So things are different tonight
We'll go together in flight
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※ 編輯: jeeplong ( 臺灣), 02/24/2025 10:40:34
看之前就覺得很好但沒想到有那麼好 愛死
[花邊] LeBron分享他做的夢Just woke up from having a dream I was playing for Duke for Coach K inside Camer on Indoor Stadium! It was INSANE in there. Told Coach K it was an honor to suit up for him and he said the same thing back to me. He’s such a LEGEND! Then….. It turned right into a concert. Snoop & Dre were the performers and they was do32
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[情報] 26/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone's warnings or negative talk may be depriving you of hope. But hope is free, and it is never foolish. One never knows when things can turn around or when miracles can happen. You are not an irrational or reckless person, Cancer. When you cling to hope, it is because you believe in possibility - not because you are investing in a far-fetched dream. If2
[情報] 07/07 the daily horoscopeIf you have ever had a dream that you are falling, you have probably noticed t hat you woke up before you landed. The universe was not out to get you, Gemini , that is usually just your subconscious telling you that something in your li fe is out of control, and you have to make it right. Even if you have not had a dream like this recently, you may have a feeling of things being out of cont2
[情報] 02/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期五 7月 2 You may have a dream that seems so lofty to you or too extravagant in some way , that you don't dare even think about it realistically. Maybe you think you a ren't good enough, or maybe you think that the odds are not stacked in your fa vor, or maybe you think you are too old or too young, or.... something else. B2
[情報] 2023/04/06 Daily Horoscope你對某個計畫的期望非常高,但事情可能並沒有按照你所希望的方式發展。 你是一位理想主義者,月之子,當事情不如你所預期時,你會感到宇宙與你作對,特別是 因為你非常努力地追求自己想要的事情。 但如果你給這個改變一個機會,你可能會發現它其實非常美好。 而且更重要的是,你不需要因為喜歡現在的情況就放棄其他夢想,那些可以在未來實現。