[情報] 天使帝國4代將上架NS PS4 XB1

看板C_Chat標題[情報] 天使帝國4代將上架NS PS4 XB1作者
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Empire of Angels IV Trailer (Switch, PS4, Xbox One)

For the first time since the series began in 1993, Empire of Angels arrives
on console! As the latest entry in the storied tactical RPG franchise, this
updated edition of Empire of Angels IV features lush 3D graphics, strategic
turn-based combat and a huge cast of gorgeous female characters fully voiced
in Mandarin, along with improved English sub-titles.

Offering a fresh perspective on the history of Asgard, Empire of Angels IV
reintroduces its lore, characters and mechanics with no prior knowledge
necessary to enjoy this brand new adventure. Deep fantasy-themed political
intrigue and the looming terror of war are balanced by light-hearted
character interactions, slice-of-life humor, alluring designs and the abilityto shatter your all-female opponents’ armor!

Join the Namtar Investigation Team as they patrol the Land of Asgard to
maintain order against a plague that drives ordinary people to mindless
violence. After Niya, captain of the Valkyrie Kingdom’s legion, witnesses a
shining orb fall from the sky, everything she understands about Asgard’s
history and fragile peace is called into question. Accompanied by trusted
allies as well as new friends, Niya leads the team in a world-spanning
mission to uncover the truth, all as the mysterious plague threatens to tear
them apart.

c Softstar Entertainment Inc. Licensed to and published by Eastasiasoft
Limited. All Rights Reserved.



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arrenwu04/20 10:16所以我說那個續篇呢 ..

※ 編輯: alinwang ( 臺灣), 04/20/2021 10:25:17

undeadmask04/20 10:24把冷飯RPG丟上NS我會買

xxx6070904/20 10:27大富翁四先上好嗎

insanee04/20 10:35結局有夠糞 steam版半價也沒人買

s3224415304/20 10:59仙劍軒轅劍大富翁就算了 沒欠這IP情懷債可以無痛PASS

ePaper04/20 11:45要上也是上最好玩的二代 大宇到底知不知道為啥2代最好玩

ssarc04/20 11:57我建議上二代還比較吸引人

※ 編輯: alinwang ( 臺灣), 04/20/2021 13:02:05

valkyrie381204/21 04:05恭請某個拉那洛帝國大主教出來致詞

JamesHunt04/21 05:48出大事啦!Tearly605增加三板可以洗文啦!wwwwww