[閒聊] 加薩走廊有世界上最多的PS5合法現貨
It is surrounded on all sides, regularly bombed, and plagued by shortages of
vital medicines. Yet in the lead up to Christmas, the isolated Gaza Strip has– for once – ample supplies of something the rest of the world craves but
can rarely find: a brand new PlayStation 5.
它經常遭到轟炸並受到重要藥物短缺的困擾。然而,在聖誕節前夕,與世隔絕的加薩地帶擁有充足的供應,世界其他地方都渴望但很少能找到:全新的PlayStation 5。
The first PS5s arrived in Gaza in April as contraband, Baik says. They were
sourced in Dubai, taken apart, smuggled in pieces through Egypt and
reassembled in Gaza. A handful sold for close to £1,200.
Baik 說,第一批 PS5 於 4 月作為違禁品運抵加薩。它們來自杜拜,拆除包裝通過
埃及走私,在加薩重新組裝。少數以接近 1,200 英鎊的價格售出。
However, Baik said Israel has in the past few months allowed suppliers in
Gaza to import consoles from Israeli traders – at a premium. The price has
since dropped in Gaza to £765-£860, although many linger on shelves.
然而,Baik 表示,以色列在過去幾個月允許加薩的供應商從以色列貿易商那裡進口遊戲機。此後,加沙的價格已降至 765 至 860 英鎊,儘管許多現貨仍在貨架上。
At least three shops have PS5 stock. Adham Masri, a salesman at Mobile Zone
said he sells three to five devices a month. “But demand is limited,” he
至少有 3 家商店有 PS5 存貨。Mobile Zone 的銷售員 Adham Masri 說,他每月銷售三到五台設備。“但需求有限,”他說。
When Sony launched the PS5 just over a year ago, US and UK retailers were
overwhelmed by demand, with multiple shopping websites crashing as people
rushed to buy one.
一年多前,當索尼推出 PS5 時,美國和英國的零售商被需求壓得喘不過氣來,多個購物網站因人們爭相購買而崩潰。
https://imgur.com/cEVD0kE ---妖道七祖《攝一切魔根本瑜珈論/誓命問品第一》---
文章代碼(AID): #1K0Lp7VP (CFantasy) [ptt.cc] Re: [新聞] 湖南偏鄉驚曝百餘......https://imgur.com/eRQKYMF 文章網址: https://tinyurl.com/56ervywe
原文有提到最大宗的消費者是電玩吧檯檯主 類似10元一場
的大型電玩那個時代 畢竟真的貴到天際
一村最多一臺PS5 大家輪著上XD
加薩走廊現在記得是被激進伊斯蘭組織統治的狀態 所以
不只被以色列和埃及封鎖邊境 連巴勒斯坦都抵制他們 真
加薩連供電都不穩定 真的是終極奢侈品
等等 原來是走絲路嗎
太棒了 奶與蜜的應許之地
當地人 這些射擊遊戲都不夠過癮
[閒聊] SONY被告壟斷了Sony Sued for Limiting Purchases of Games to PlayStation Store Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC is operating an unlawful monopoly by restricting purchases of PlayStation games to its inhouse store, consumers claimed in a lawsuit.72
[閒聊] SONY PlayStation 裁員將近90人Sony PlayStation lays off nearly 90 people, citing "global transformation" Sony PlayStation has laid off upward of 90 workers in its North American offices, as it eliminates numerous sales and marketing positions. 索尼 PlayStation 已經在其北美辦事處解雇了 90 多名員工,因為它取消了許多銷售和 營銷職位。50
Re: [情報] 狂賀! Cyberpunk 2077 回歸 PS Store今日正式重新在PS Store發售 Cyberpunk 2077官推發布如下告示: Cyberpunk2077 is now back on the PlayStation Store. You can play the game on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5. Additionally, a fr ee next gen upgrade will be available for all owners of the PS4 version of Cyber36
[情報] 官方確認將在年底前提供更多PS5We want to thank gamers everywhere for making the PS5 launch our biggest conso le launch ever. Demand for PS5 is unprecedented, so we wanted to confirm that more PS5 inventory will be coming to retailers before the end of the year - pl ease stay in touch with your local retailers. 索尼宣佈會在年底前向各地的零售商提供更多的PS541
[閒聊] PS5首發日估計賣出了210-250萬台Sony launched its next-generation console - the PlayStation 5 - with a staggered release earlier this month. The console launched first in North America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea on November 12,followed by Europe and the rest of the world a week later41
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[閒聊]Jim Ryan表示2022年才會有真PS5世代遊戲原文網址 The PlayStation 5 has officially launched in all regions of the world, but it may be a while before truly transformational next-gen experiences arrive. Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan famously stated that the company33
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