Re: [閒聊] 漫威辱日?

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※ 引述《tmlisgood (菜市秋)》之銘言:

: 真正代表日本的漫威英雄Sunfire
: 原名吉田四郎
: 因為母親受到廣島核彈的影響
: 而生下變種人的他
: 擁有太陽輻射力量
: 感覺這設定滿滿的問題
: 真人化會被幹到臭頭

我查了一下當天皇的部分 蠻有意思的 以下轉英文wiki

In the house of M reality, Sunfire became the Emperor of Japan. Under his rule, the country had prospered, though the poverty levels were extremely high among the baseline human population. In secret, Sunfire was one of the masterminds of Project: Genesis, a project sanctioned by the Japan branch of嚒.H.I.E.L.D.烀ith the goal of forcefully mutating baseline humans. When the S.H.I.E.L.D.operatives-in-training dubbed the㗎ellions湶nvestigated a terrorist attack, they discovered the existence of Project: Genesis and its link to Emperor Sunfire. Sunfire lied to the Hellions and told them that Project: Genesis's purposewas to recycle organic waste into food for poor baseline humans.



說實在的我覺得蠻有趣的啊 雖然這故事我沒追 但看設定就很好玩了

順帶一提 漫威寫過最大咖的日本相關是天津甕星 虐翻眾神的大反派 晚點有空寫出來


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dchain01/17 17:31In the㗎ouse of M澑eality

※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 01/17/2022 17:31:43

ymib01/17 18:52建議SJW威畫猶太人英雄。就畫沒被

ymib01/17 18:52納粹毒氣毒死後變異有超能力