Re: [閒聊] 漫威辱日?
※ 引述《tmlisgood (菜市秋)》之銘言:
: 原名吉田四郎
: 因為母親受到廣島核彈的影響
: 而生下變種人的他
: 擁有太陽輻射力量
: 感覺這設定滿滿的問題
: 真人化會被幹到臭頭
我查了一下當天皇的部分 蠻有意思的 以下轉英文wiki
In the house of M reality, Sunfire became the Emperor of Japan. Under his rule, the country had prospered, though the poverty levels were extremely high among the baseline human population. In secret, Sunfire was one of the masterminds of Project: Genesis, a project sanctioned by the Japan branch of嚒.H.I.E.L.D.烀ith the goal of forcefully mutating baseline humans. When the S.H.I.E.L.D.operatives-in-training dubbed the㗎ellions湶nvestigated a terrorist attack, they discovered the existence of Project: Genesis and its link to Emperor Sunfire. Sunfire lied to the Hellions and told them that Project: Genesis's purposewas to recycle organic waste into food for poor baseline humans.
說實在的我覺得蠻有趣的啊 雖然這故事我沒追 但看設定就很好玩了
順帶一提 漫威寫過最大咖的日本相關是天津甕星 虐翻眾神的大反派 晚點有空寫出來
In the㗎ouse of M澑eality
[花邊] Kanter:是LBJ從我身邊走過,而且什麼也Kanter:是LBJ從我身邊走過,而且什麼也沒說 “First of all, even my assistant coach knows that story,” said Kanter. “When, first of all, he was behind me in the tunnel, and I stopped to take a picture w ith one of the kids, and I wasn’t the one right past him. He was the one litera lly walked right by me and did not say anything.”爆
[外絮] Pelinka想要Hield,但LBJ及AD說服他追求Pelinka想要Hield,但LBJ及AD說服他追求龜龜 The Los Angeles Lakers made a blockbuster trade in the summer when they brought in Russell Westbrook. The idea was to form a big three of All-Stars with Westbro ok, LeBron James, and Anthony Davis. The move came out of nowhere, as the Lakers had been linked with the Kings’ sharpshooter Buddy Hield in the weeks before.爆
[外絮] Bane對LBJ的垃圾話所引發的衝突Bane對LBJ的垃圾話所引發的衝突 It takes a lot of courage for any player to talk trash to LeBron James. James is the most accomplished player in the NBA and is a true living legend. And despit e him being 37 years of age, James is playing at an extremely high level and is one of the best players in the league right now.爆
[外絮] 老史談最後一擊:MJ確實推了,但裁判沒老史談最後一擊:MJ確實推了,但裁判沒吹就不是犯規 Michael Jordan had a lot of iconic moments in his long and illustrious career in the NBA. While each fan ranks the said moments as per their own understanding o f the game. But if there is a moment that fans put on the top has to be the one when MJ won the sixth NBA Championship of his career.爆
[花邊] Mike Breen 最喜歡的 "Bang":LinsanityMike Breen on his favorite ‘Bang’ calls: “As fun time as I’ve ever had as a broadcaster were those three weeks of Linsanity… as a Knick fan and as an NBA fan, because he became the most popular athlete, not just in the country, in the world for three weeks.”67
[花邊] Aaron Gordon不小心把女友露乳頭照片曝光來源: FadeAwayWorld 網址: Aaron Gordon Accidentally Shares Pic Of His Girlfriend With Her Nipple Fully Exposed Aaron Gordon不小心分享了他女朋友露出乳頭的照片50
[外電] NTSB: 空難時大夫體內有高濃度安非他命Hall of Fame pitcher Roy Halladay had high levels of amphetamines in his system and was performing extreme stunts when his plane crashed into the Gulf of Mexico in November 2017, according to a National Transportation Safety Board report obtained bySPN. Along with the amphetamines, Halladay's blood also contained an anti-depressant that could have impaired his judgment and a high level of morphine, according to the report released Wednesday. The acrobatic plane maneuvers Halladay performed included high-pitch climbs and steep turns within five feet of the water, the report added. The report did not provide a final reason for the crash, but it stated Halladay entered a steep climb before the speed of his plane fell to 85 mph. His plane went into a nosedive and crashed into the water.
[情報] 民視新聞氣象出現吉伊卡哇爆
[閒聊] 因為用了浮水印 追蹤少了1000人爆
[閒聊] 可以接受什麼都不會的報恩雪女嗎?爆
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