[情報] 法環又更新了(1.04.1)

看板C_Chat標題[情報] 法環又更新了(1.04.1)作者
時間推噓16 推:17 噓:1 →:12

Steam版patch note如下:


We are distributing an update to improve the stability of gameplay.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please apply the latest update beforeyou enjoy the game.

Major Changes Included in the Latest Update:

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in which the effect duration of the Cerulean Hidden Tear was
revised downward.

Fixed a bug with Malenia, Blade of Miquella in which her HP was not healed
correctly in the online multiplayer environment.

Fixed a bug that caused some bosses to die at unintended times.

Fixed a bug that prevented the boss "Elden Beast" from working properly undercertain circumstances.

Fixed some texts.

The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the TitleScreen will be as follows:

App Ver. 1.04.1
Regulation Ver. 1.04.2

※Online play requires the player to apply this update.

We will continue to provide improvement updates in the future so you can enjoyELDEN RING more comfortably. Please stay tuned for more news.




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SentLiTryPay04/27 20:34遇到超乖的艾獸原來是行動不正確阿

leo7941504/27 20:34游泳和流星回歸了嗎

fullcolor04/27 20:35修正2階BUG 要是阿火再晚幾天打就好了

qoo6060604/27 20:36流星大砲又能回歸了嗎

wl0053318004/27 20:36玻璃大砲回歸

winda662704/27 20:36終於把能卡死王跟秒王的修掉了。

SHCAFE04/27 20:37女武神:別啊 有空氣吸血都打不過let me solo her 被拔掉

SHCAFE04/27 20:37之後還得了

joe19927704/27 20:37女武神趴踢結束了 好快

joe19927704/27 20:37空氣吸血的女武神真的超萌

rhox04/27 20:39你以為是善意阿? 其實是bug

tf01071404/27 20:39流星還能秒艾爾登獸嗎? 第二輪後就沒用過了

shadowdio04/27 20:42下水道跑幾分鐘就閃退有修嗎


ilohoo04/27 20:44看來無形之母不再被女武神擊中了

e04su3no04/27 20:44修文本 環學家要出動了嗎

marunaru04/27 20:55所以他還是游泳仔

marunaru04/27 20:56藍秘滴改回來的話艾斯提隕石可以開場A死山獸神

b0250207304/27 21:00改完Yapped就不能用了 有人有解嗎


shadowdio04/27 21:11更新檔案損毀 這沙小= =

你不孤單,不知是steam的bug還是啥 不少閃退問題都是更新後有檔案損毀 總之每次更新完都驗證一下就好

cn556604/27 21:13流星大炮其實也還好 很少有boss讓你站在原地A個10秒

cn556604/27 21:13就算只有5秒+一整條NP也差不多結束了

cn556604/27 21:14不是boss死就是你該閃了

egg78104/27 21:20原來砍空氣也回血喔?XD


egg78104/27 21:21流星實際用起來~對大型怪會比較好用

egg78104/27 21:22或是你硬要用法術打死巨型毒花這種站樁血牛

longQQQ04/27 21:31其實還蠻喜歡空氣吸血版女武神的難度

※ 編輯: LiNcUtT ( 臺灣), 04/27/2022 21:51:24

fakinsky04/27 22:27大砲回來啦!

j197355504/27 23:09卡頓還是沒修好?

mrlucas889104/27 23:24Yapped是法環的MOD吧

ianzaro05/01 17:03還可以啦 雖然最近少玩 跑去玩ro新世代的誕生惹