[閒聊] 安妮亞 離那個化學老師遠一點!

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 安妮亞 離那個化學老師遠一點!作者
時間推噓24 推:24 噓:0 →:5

別啊 安妮亞




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ohrring07/20 23:48U嘎電Right

weebeer62607/20 23:48Say my name

nanachi07/20 23:49Say my name

tyifgee07/20 23:49I am the dangerrrrrrrrrr!

Op5307/20 23:50感覺下一秒要丟雷汞

RabbitHorse07/20 23:51國小的化學這麼難的嗎

knight7707/20 23:52Anya we need to cook

jabari07/20 23:55You're goddamn right.

james96017807/20 23:55安妮亞 我們需要煮

tim1913107/21 00:09 還好不是他

yumin098707/21 00:13我以為是周星星那位

s801857207/21 00:19讓我們來煮meth

acs8104607/21 00:32we need to cock

newgunden07/21 00:34This is not star.

LouisLEE07/21 00:54Tight Tight Tight

lockbacker07/21 01:09Say my name.

sft00507/21 01:16我想到那張老白丟出噴火龍的改圖

Roentgenium07/21 01:23you got one part of that wrong

Kevin98080007/21 01:25我還以為是某姓秋月的化學老師

crankshaft07/21 01:57I am not in danger

streakray07/21 02:10Tight Tight Tight!!!

CHRyan012707/21 02:32Anya, do you want to be a friend of cartel or a ra

CHRyan012707/21 02:32t?

zarg104307/21 07:55一樣都是pink的 沒有什麼差別吧

kducky07/21 07:57我以為是某國家煉金術士

SouLanPara07/21 09:02Jesse, we need to cook

ray603151507/21 09:29Anya we need to cook

curance07/21 10:40Anya, we need to COOK

handofn0xus07/21 13:25上面有Lalo Salamanca亂入