[情報] 2023/05/22~2023/05/28 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 2023/05/22~2023/05/28 Weekly Horoscope作者
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Cancer horoscope for 5月 22 - 5月 28

Cancer horoscope for 5月 22 - 5月 28
You have absorbed a lot of negative energy in recent weeks, Moonchild, and itis starting to weigh you down. Because of the drama and negativity that have surrounded you, you may be starting to feel a sense of doom and gloom, and youmay even be nurturing a feeling of hopelessness. You can turn that around completely this week, though, and you should. In fact, you must. With each fearful thought, come up with two reasons to be hopeful. You are about to enter a far more auspicious time than you have experienced in quite some time, and having faith right now will help you get there in a good state of mind. It may seemthat you have had to deal with far more than your fair share of trials and tribulations lately, and that's probably true. However, there is a reason for everything, and the reasons for what you have been through will be slowly revealed. And with each one, it will all begin to make sense. Understanding the purpose of the tough times you have been through will help you gain a powerful perspective, grow stronger, and ultimately be much more hopeful.


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