[情報] 2023/05/17 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期三 5月 17
Your higher self is noble; it doesn't judge or wish harm on anyone. You are avery noble person at your core, Moonchild, but it can be hard for you - and really for anyone - to remain in constant touch with your higher self. Today, it might be especially hard because you have good reasons to be angry, resentful, and perhaps even feel vengeful on some level. But if you consciously chooseto be the best you that you can be, you can do it. Try to rise above a situation where you haven't been treated right, and in return, be noble. The higher ground has a much better view once you get there.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/06最近有一個祝福降臨在你身上了,阿牛。儘管這是你一直以來渴求的東西,你卻已經開始期待去得到更好的。但是在你更上一層樓之前,張大眼睛去看並感謝你所擁有的。生命不僅是在於前往下個階段,也不是把你所擁有的棄之如敝屣,好進入到想像中更高的境界。真正的喜樂來自於認可你生命中的美好。今天,花一點時間來珍惜你的幸褔吧。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Jun 6 A blessing has recently been bestowed upon you, Taurus. And even though it may have been something you have been hoping for, you are already hoping for something even better. But before you can ascend to that next level, it would be wise to truly see and appreciate what you already have. Life is not about always going one step further and seeing what you have as dispensable so that you can move on to a level you imagine will be higher. True contentment comes from recognizing the good in your life. Take some time today to appreciate your blessings. --7
[情報] 27/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere are degrees of happiness that range from contentment to elation. Most of us are happy to feel content, but more is possible for you now, dear Moonchild. If your level of personal happiness is hovering somewhere around the neutral ground, then you need to remind yourself that there is a lot in your life to celebrate and to be happy about. Taking time to7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/05人們常說,種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。這聽起來相當正面,甚至是高貴的,但這看起來並不真 實。別忘了,你什麼都沒做,只是把好主意、想法和善意放在某個人或目標上,而你卻沒 收到任何正面的回報,阿牛。但你不會總是以某種線性姿態直接得到你所做的好事的報酬 。有時候你的回報會以不同的形式或來源出現,而最終,這對你來說會是更好的。 ——5
[情報] 28/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may have had to work hard at remaining upbeat and optimistic in recent weeks, Moonchild. And you are tough and dedicated about it because you know it's the best way to go. Your strength in persevering is admirable. Your desire to put on a happy face and make the best of things is noble. But you may not have to work so hard at it very soon. Improvements in your5
[情報] 09/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 19 2022 因為你現在深深陷在焦慮中, 你希望能有治療焦慮的方法。 也許治療焦慮最好的方法, 也或許是唯一真正的治癒,魔魔,3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/10你可以看見在影響著你和他人的某個環節裡,有個需要被補救的東西。然而,你可能是唯一對於做出正面改變有興趣的人。應該在沒有任何人在乎的時候去做出貢獻嗎?阿牛,這完全由你決定,如果你為之付出,請不要挾帶著悔意或其他的負面情緒。一旦你為大家做出如此高貴的舉動,他們會懂,也會為其無所作為感到抱歉。反之,如果摻了負面能量在裡頭,那麼你將不會同樣地豐收。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 10 You can see something that needs to be fixed in an area that not only affects you, but also other people in your life. However, you may be the only one who is interested in making a positive change. Should you go ahead and do so if no one else wants to contribute? That is certainly up to you, Taurus, but if you do so, do so without resentment or other negative sentiment. It is likely that once you do the noble thing for everyone, they will understand and feel bad about their inaction. But if you do so with a negative charge, you won't reap the same big benefits. --2
[情報] 0525 DailyHoroscopeYou may feel that you have been shortchanged in some way, Capricorn, yet you m ay be faced with governing what is fair to someone who has not treated you fai rly. This kind of situation could give anyone good cause for responding in the same way. Be the better person today. Do what you know is right because anyth ing else would be beneath you. It is also possible that you will discover that1
[情報] 0606 DailyHoroscopeif someone in your life says unkind words to you or treats you unfairly or col dly, it stings. The natural reaction of many would be to behave unkindly or co ldly in return. It doesn't help though; in fact, it can make things far worse. You are a fair person, Capricorn, and you need to remind yourself that you ar e above that kind of reaction and that it can alter your path from positive to1
[情報] 03/30 the daily horoscopeRevenge is a dish best served cold. That quote has probably held some kind of meaning for most people at one time. When someone cheats you, or hurts you in some other way, it is natural to think of revenge. Thinking about it probably offers a way of venting poisonous emotions. But taking that actual step to get back at someone, even if it's just to hurt them in return emotionally, is nev1
[情報] 11/23 Daily HoroscopeDon't be too stubborn or too proud to admit that you were wrong about somethin g. If you cling to an outdated idea or one that you now know isn't the right o ne, you won't be doing as well for yourself, Leo. But if you are ready to admi t that you have taken on a new way of seeing a situation, that noble acknowled gement will get you ahead and will make your life better on some level. That's