[情報] 29/04/2021 Daily Horoscope
You are often misunderstood, Moonchild. And you are someone who absolutely
abhors being misunderstood! That may be because most people don't have the
capacity to fully understand someone so deeply intuitive, emotionally rich,
sweetly sensitive, and oh so creative. You are a complex creature, and it takes time to know you well. But there is someone in your life, perhaps someone new or maybe someone who will appear soon, who really can understand you. This
could be the foundation for a lasting relationship - and it may fall into anyarea of your life: romance, friendship, or even career. Treasure it.
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。4
[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你很可能很快就會有機會與一個有巨大影響力的人建立友誼。 這可能會成為與一個有權力地位的人的非常密切的聯繫,他實際上可以幫助你最終實現某 個夢想。 關鍵是首先要認識到這個人,然後要自由和開放地說出你是誰。 月之子,說出你的心聲,敢於發揮你的創造力,展現你的激情-他們會理解並有同樣的感3
[情報] 24/01/2022~30/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope本周會有人可能會因為一些不明顯的原因而試圖逼迫你。也許是嫉妒、也許他們覺得與你 有一種競爭的感覺,而你並不能理解。 但不管是什麼原因,處理這些事情的最好方法是遠離他們的滑稽行為。 當他們開始以更好的方式行事時,你可以再次給予他們你的關注。 月之子,不要讓他們分散你的注意力,尤其是對任何重要事情的注意力。2
[情報] 03/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen someone is behaving in a defensive manner, the best way to bring them out of their shell is with kindness. As someone who spends a fair amount of time in their shell, dear Moonchild, you can probably understand and identify with this more than others. If you are trying to reach someone to form a closer bond or build a foundation for better communication and you2
[情報] 16/11/2021 Daily Horoscope如果有人來拜訪你,他們敲你的前門-但你沒有回答-那麼顯然你將無法與他們一起拜訪。 你現在可能在你的社交生活的某些方面做著同樣的事情。 也許你想要更多的友誼,但你沒有讓自己變得足夠脆弱。 或者,也許你想向浪漫開放你的生活,但你也沒有對它開放。 月之子,你值得擁有任何你想要的東西,但你必須同時打開門並走過它!1
[情報] 22/07/2021Daily HoroscopeAre you being realistic, or are you being pessimistic about a road you are now taking, dear Cancer? Should a disappointment in a certain area of your life s ignal that you shouldn't even bother trying anything along this path? Should c ertain hopes and dreams be dashed and forgotten? Absolutely not. One minor bli p in the road is preparing you to fully appreciate something great that is com1
[情報] 20/09~26/09/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 20 - 9月 26 人們是否認為你會很緊張嗎,月之子?這實際上是一個反問句。 任何對你足夠了解的人都知道你是強烈的定義。 你有一個豐富的激情,你轉向內在。你的情緒自由旋轉,有時相互對比。你想得很深。 等等。是的,你往往會非常緊張,但本週你需要試著對事情放鬆一點。1
[情報] 06/04/2022 Daily Horoscope打開一盞燈,黑暗的房間立刻就有了光明。 不過當你在努力理解你所面臨的挑戰時,並不總是那麼容易 『看到光明』。 月之子,也許現實就是這樣。 如果你現在正在與你個人生活中的困境打交道,這裡有一個線索:你已經有了答案。 你只是還沒有認識到它。1
[情報] 15/05/2022 Daily Horoscope對你來說,讓別人理解你對某一重要事項的觀點是非常重要的。 你不喜歡被誤解,而且你可能擔心這就是現在的情況。 但如果你強求,或變得太過熱情或太過緊張,月之子,可能會產生相反的效果。 要讓別人理解你的感受,你能做的最好的事情之一就是首先理解他們的感受。 如果他們相信你會同理他們,他們會對你的觀點更加開放。1
[情報] 09/09 the daily horoscopeSomeone newer in your life may have upset you or hurt your feelings recently, dear Gemini. Even so, you may want to understand why and continue to interact with that individual. That's a wise thing to do. If you can figure out why you were treated in a way you think was not appropriate, you may learn more about both yourself and the other people involved. There is also the possibility th