[情報] 31/05/~ 06/06/2021 Weekly7 Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 31/05/~ 06/06/2021 Weekly7 Horoscope作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:0

Cancer horoscope for 5月 31 - 6月 6

Cancer horoscope for 5月 31 - 6月 6
It may have been a long time since you spent some time catching up with someone special in your life, and this week is a great time to do that. You may inadvertently hear from or bump into this person, so be open to surprises and spontaneity. When it rains it pours. You have been hoping for a specific type of chance to enhance your life or to fatten up your wallet, Moonchild, and this week, there could be something like an electric storm of opportunities. Although you know you should see this as the good fortune that it is, you might be upset that it's happening all at once and you won't be able to take on everything. And by the way, don't try. Be selective in what you choose to tackle. Make sure that what you choose to do is both good for your main goals, and also good for who you are. If you can get all or most of your daily humdrum chores done throughout the week, the weekend could hold some interesting invitations andsurprises. So, keep a steady pace and do all you can, short of exhausting yourself. When the weekend arrives, you will be very happy that you are prepared and free to do as you please.
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