[情報] 04/06/2021Daily Horoscope
You might feel that a significant relationship in your life is changing, Moonchild. And it is changing for the better. No, it is not your imagination. And yes, there may still be a few flaws, even after this evolution becomes more noticeable. But relationships are always evolving, and if you proceed with greatcare, it will continue to move in a positive direction. So, whether this is aromantic liaison, a sibling relationship, or anything else, you can make great strides just by being conscious of how you handle it.
謝謝翻譯 覺得朝奇怪方向去囧
[情報] 29/03~04/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may have the chance this week to mull over a recent conversation or situation that left you a bit baffled. It may have included some odd behavior on the part of someone you know. Give yourself some quiet time to think about it, and by repeating a conversation in your mind, some things should become clear. This will help you see things in a more positive and6
[情報] 03/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 29 2022 別讓舊的恩怨阻擋你以正向積極的角度看到一段曾經美好的關係, 在這段舊關係中發生一些事讓你當時感到受傷或生氣,魔魔, 但想想更之前建立這段友誼或家庭關係的時候, 這種感覺可以被保存嗎?6
[情報] 04/03 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 03 2022 我們常常視親密關係為需要偶爾的約會、 一起度過私人時間來保持火花, 這是讓關係保持新鮮的好方法, 但這對其他不是親密關係的關係也適用。3
10/10 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期日 10月 10日 You may be confused about which way to go with a relationship or with an end eavor you have already begun - but the signs are there, Gemini. The problem might be that you have already decided in the back of your mind how things s hould be, and that leads to certain actions and expectations you have approv2
[情報] 02/19 the daily horoscopeRelationships don't happen overnight. Although there might be an initial spark between you and someone who may turn out to be a kindred spirit, it is the wo rk that goes into a relationship that makes it solid. Over time, reliability, honesty, kindness, and so much more create the foundation that allows a relati onship to grow and to become stable and loving. You may have met someone recen1
[情報] 04/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期日 4月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 4月 19 Romance may be on your mind now whether you are single or attached. There is a love vibration surrounding you, and that makes this a great time to reinforce an existing relationship or to search out someone who could become meaningful1
[情報] 11/06 the daily horoscopeWe don't always know how truly great something was until it is gone. Once we l ose something - a relationship, a job, a friendship, and so on - we may not re alize how beautiful the space it occupied really was. If you are on the verge of losing something, Gemini, perhaps because you don't recognize its benefits, take another good look. What does it add to your life? What will be missing f1
[情報] 09/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeIt may look as if there is a curve ahead in your relationship path, Moonchild. Where will this take you? You may be going through a transition with someone in your life. This may be anyone - a friend, a family member, or a romantic partner. But the good news is that this is likely to be a very positive change if you handle it with gentle encouragement. You may1
[情報] 01/15 the daily horoscopeSomething seems to have changed in a primary relationship of yours. You can't put your finger on it, but it could actually be a good thing. While it may tak e some adjustment, Gemini, try to treat it all more like a new discovery than a big change. If you adapt to a new way of appreciating someone, you will see a rich new wave of potential joy and excitement. Life is always changing, and- There may be one misunderstanding in your life that you just can't let go of. It interrupted the progress of what you thought was a great relationship. You may think it's too late to go back and repair it, Gemini, but you may be wrong about that. In fact, the simple act of showing that you care and wanting to s traighten things out could inspire admiration. If this is how you feel and you