[情報] 20/09/2021 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 20
A helpless friend or family member may be far less helpless than you think. Of course, they may be presenting this image to endear themselves to you, or even for the pity they know you will have for them. Anyone who knows you well knows what a softie you can be, and how easy it is to enlist your aid with a sobstory or a tale of heartbreak or helplessness. But if a friend or a family member has come to you one too many times with a story that is becoming less than believable, call them on it. Making them stand on their own two feet is actually a good thing you can do for them.
[情報] 28/07/2021Daily HoroscopeYou have been arguing a certain point with someone. For each objection they pr esent, you can come up with a reasonable, logical answer. But it may have come to the point where they are declaring that you are argumentative or disagreea ble and countering them just to be contentious. You know that's not true, Moon child, but this might signify that for now, at least, they are not willing to5
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。5
[情報] 06/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 15 2022 你身邊有個人會飄飄然地透露某件事給你, 你不了解為什麼他們會認為你樂於聽見, 或甚至接受這樣的事情, 畢竟這個人非常了解你。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/07你生活中的某人,也許是非常了解你的人,可能試著鼓勵你去做一件你並不那麼有興趣的 事。他們可能會告訴你,或至少暗示這件事非常適合你。而你可能會相信他們,因為他們 是如此的了解你。然而,假使你不被他們推薦的事物所吸引,也不要放棄另一個朝這方向 發展的機會。阿牛,沒有人比你更了解自己了。 ——2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/03你對於他人想獲得的東西看起來比他們還熱心,或許會感到受傷或幻滅,但這並不是你能 改變的事,阿牛。你能像往常一樣,讓對方知道,在傾注心力為一個可能根本不在乎的人 付出之前,你需要更深入了解對他們來說什麼是重要的事。但如果你退一步,可能會感到 訝異。這件事對他們來說可能比你想得還要重要。 ——1
[情報] 12/20 the daily horoscopeAsking for help does not mean you are helpless. Asking for advice does not mea n you are clueless. Asking for ideas does not mean you have no creativity of y our own. When someone seeks to balance out what they have with what they need, the results can be brilliant and can bring success. Don't feel bad about aski ng for whatever it is that you need right now, dear Gemini. It's a smart, savv1
[情報] 01/13 the daily horoscopeYou may feel stuck in the middle between two people - perhaps friends or famil y members - who are vying for your attention. They each want you to take their side, but you are undecided, Gemini. But even when you come to a conclusion, it might be wiser not to align with anyone, for it could put you in between tw o people you care about. It's probably okay to express your opinion, but it is