[情報] 09/12/2021 Daily Horoscope
You may now be assessing and evaluating your possibilities for success with something. You want to be hopeful, and so the most strategic approach to hopingis to figure out whether you have good reason to be. But is that really the best approach, Cancer? Isn't hope something that is free to anyone? Yes, it is.You don't need tangible reasons to nurture hope. You can have faith and choose to believe you can attain what you want without signs that it's likely. Try to take that path today if you can - you will draw in the good fortune you need.
[情報] 31/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeHappy 2021! That's not just a salutation, Moonchild. For you right now, that is also a prediction. You may have a hard time believing it at the moment with some of the turmoil you have been dealing with, but the coming year offers so many wonders and blessings for you that it will likely exceed your expectations. But you will need a key to access the abundance7
[情報] 15/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may wonder if there are any reasons to be hopeful about a situation in your life that has not been going very well. You may have chosen to simply not have hope or expectations because you don't want to be disappointed yet again. But hope is free, and it can also generate good energy that will lift you up and inspire you to draw good things into your life. Yes,6
[情報] 14/10/2021 Daily Horoscope一件長期的事情終於要告一個段落了。 這是你生活中涉及過渡和轉變的事情,儘管你可能還沒有完全意識到它。 現在,月之子你可能會有委屈、沮喪、擔心,甚至恐懼。 你可能會擔心你沒有完成能做的一切的事情,而且這不會像你希望的那樣回報你。 但你的信仰在哪裡?信仰現在絕對是一個組成部分。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/29你一直在尋找的東西,似乎每次都讓你難以捉摸。你可能想知道,為什麼你投入了這麼多 的時間與精力,卻似乎無法體現出來。這可能是因為宇宙在幫助你避免它。也許你並不真 正需要你試著想獲得的東西。事實上,阿牛,它可能甚至對你沒有好處,或有著更好的東 西在等著你。如果你對此保持開放態度,那今天也許能弄清楚。 ——