[情報] 14/02/2022 Daily Horoscope
Really good decisions are often based on careful research and analysis of thefacts, but not always. Sometimes all of that studying of what one should do does not give you an answer. That's when you must acknowledge what you feel, rather than what you think - especially for you, Moonchild. You are a sensitive creature with a keen sense of the world around you, and your happiness is often based on what makes you feel good, rather than what is most logical. If you're having trouble figuring out a choice, reflect on what's in your heart.
[情報] 24/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are the ultimate decision-maker of your life, dear Moonchild. No one else can say what is best for you. However, there are times when it is difficult to be objective about your choices. You may not see certain tendencies of yours in an impartial way. If someone is offering you insight or feedback on an important decision now, then listen. You are the6
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 06 2022 你會以懷疑的態度面對一個最近來到你身邊的機會, 你可能會覺得它很弱或時機是錯誤的, 或你並不喜歡其中某些事。 摩摩,因為這些原因,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/04你可能覺得現在自己真正需要的是一點魔法來推動一個有著希望的冒險,阿牛。你或許認 為這個要求並不過分。然而,如果你抱有這樣的想法時,你想做的事可能都無法實現,那 麼再多的魔法也沒辦法改變這點。你充滿希望的想法將是你所需的所有魔法,以體現你所 夢想的事物。努力讓自己更積極,然後出去施展你的魔法吧。 ——