[情報] 16/02/2022 Daily Horoscope
It may seem as though there is a lot of competition going on around you. Ambitious folks often behave as though everything is a contest. You are ambitious,Moonchild, but you don't like to compete. So, what can you do? You continue to be the independent person that you are. You go off in your own direction. You set your own rules. You achieve your own goals. That way, you don't have to become involved in the fray. There is an answer to a current conundrum.
Find your own path.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 05/31 the daily horoscopeWhen you describe something you are involved in as a "no-win situation," you a re deciding your own fate. Although there are some circumstances in life that leave you with few or no options, someone as dynamic as you can usually come u p with a way to get what you want. If you have gotten so frustrated recently w ith an effort that seems to be going nowhere, and you feel "damned if you do a7
[情報] 17/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeA wish that you have set in motion is beginning to manifest. But this may be a slow process, Moonchild. This will not happen instantaneously, but do not allow that to make you believe it won't happen. The universe protects you in its own way, and in its own time. Even though this is something you may see as essential to your happiness, you need to acknowledge what you6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/26今天要記住一件事,你不是在和他人競爭以獲得你想要的東西。沒有別人擋著你,儘管它 看起來是這樣。你唯一的競爭者是你自己,阿牛。如果你允許自己發光發熱,並且展現自 己的天賦,你就會脫穎而出。不要羞於分享你的特殊之處。為了體現你想要的東西,這是 你需要去做的。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/06你是否喜歡最近在生活中出現的那種衝突感呢?你是否因為身體裡流淌著一種緊張的感覺 而心滿意足呢?顯然這兩個問題的答案都是否定的,阿牛。儘管你能控制自己去消除這種 紛爭和緊張感,但你並沒有這麼做。因為你可能害怕得罪某人,或害怕失去那個你想打動 的人對你的青睞。但你該把自己放在一切事物之前,緩解情緒壓力對你的成功至關重要。 ——