[情報] 18/03/2022 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 3月 18
If you always tell the truth, you don't have to have a good memory in order to remember the lies. You have probably heard that before, dear Moonchild. Thisis not directed at you, of course. Although everyone lies occasionally, it's rare with you because you're as honest as they come. But someone in your life may be lying. You can tell that's the case because you're a good lie detector.The question is, why? There may be fear or insecurity behind the lie, rather than malice. Don't overreact.
[情報] 24/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are the ultimate decision-maker of your life, dear Moonchild. No one else can say what is best for you. However, there are times when it is difficult to be objective about your choices. You may not see certain tendencies of yours in an impartial way. If someone is offering you insight or feedback on an important decision now, then listen. You are the5
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。3
[情報] 12/17 the daily horoscopePatience is a virtue. We have all heard that at some point, and probably many times. But there are moments, Gemini, when being patient won't get you what yo u want. Although someone may be imploring you to be patient as you insist that they come through for you, it may just be a tactic to stall you. If you feel in your gut that you really need to push for what you want, and especially if