[情報] 2022/08 Monthly Horoscope
你可能選擇嘗試一些你以前沒有嘗試過的東西,儘管它可能看起來有點 『與眾不同』或者看起來不可能,但你不嘗試就不會知道。
Cancer horoscope for 8月
You may have to go right back to the drawing board where a well-laid plan foryour home is concerned. Things have not been working out as you hoped with a home-related project or a change you have wanted to make. You either have not been able to find the help or the resources you need, or other things have gotten in the way. This month, starting over may seem like a big ordeal, but it will actually put you back in control and point you in the direction you reallywant to go, so don't fight it, Moonchild. Early in the month, you may discover that a colleague or someone you know in a more formal way could be trying toget close to you. Maybe this person is an admirer of a talent of yours, or maybe they are interested in you personally for friendship or romance. This might be someone worthy of getting to know, but be sure to take it slow. Even if you are watching your pennies right now, a small splurge is encouraged later inthe month. This could be a gift to yourself, from yourself, just to recognizesome of the difficulties you have faced recently, and your determination to work through them. Reward yourself. At the end of the month, be sure to follow through on a promise you made to yourself related to one of your creative dreams. You may have chosen to try something you have not tried before, and even though it may seem a bit "out there" or unlikely, you won't know until you try.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/09不要放棄夢想。這可能是你今天需要聽到的最重要的訊息,阿牛。你可能在幾次嘗試過某 項目標後感到有些洩氣。但當生活將你擊敗時,你必須重新站起來。你沒有被打敗,你沒 有被打倒。這些事情發生的唯一途徑是你放棄了自己。把這句話記在心裡,即使你今天不 再嘗試,也要開始制定一個計畫並很快再次摸索。你能做到這一點。 ——6
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 06 2022 你會以懷疑的態度面對一個最近來到你身邊的機會, 你可能會覺得它很弱或時機是錯誤的, 或你並不喜歡其中某些事。 摩摩,因為這些原因,6
[情報] 22/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能對一項新的工作感到擔憂。你甚至可能感到緊張,因為指派這項工作的人或指導你 的人對這項工作百分百樂觀。 你擔心會有問題,而且他們可能高估了你的能力。 但親愛的月之子,與其採取如此嚴厲的立場,不如試著捕捉對方的熱情。 試著對你正在做的事情感到有趣。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/19你即將參與一個能讓你的未來更加光明的某件事裡。阿牛,你唯一的問題可能是這將會需 要某種投資,可能是財務或時間等資源的投資。如果你試著把這當成是對你自己的投資, 那麼他將是一個相當容易做出的決定。你現在所做的能夠幫助自己建立一個更強大、安全 且愉快的未來。 ——4
[情報] 15/02~21/02/2021 Weekly HoroscopePromises made, promises kept. That is one of the many mottos you keep, Moonchild, that involve your character and your way of being true to yourself and to others. This week, you may have to fulfill a promise you made, even though it may not seem as good an idea as it did at the time. However, when you follow through, you may discover that there are some